First off, let me give a big ol’ Heck Yeah to the SCDNR, for a, surprisingly, high quality Dove Field!!
The Clay Pitts WMA field, off of hwy. 252, near Laurens, was, by far, the best Public Dove Field I’ve ever hunted!
It’s 50 acres, of mostly hay grazer, and a few briars, with a large row of Sunflowers through the entire middle of the field.
Birds/shooting started around 1:00, and we were still shooting, while heading for the gate at 6:00, the mandatory stop time.
I was number 133, on a fifty acre field, and was more than a little concerned, at first! But, it was a great crowd, who respected each other, and no low bird shots.
As usual, some stands were better than others, but everyone had a great shoot!!
I’ll be back next Saturday, if any of you want to hook up, and enjoy a really good Dove Hunt.
We were checked by SCDNR, twice, so make sure you have your license, Migratory Bird Permit, and gun plugged, if necessary. Also, a two box limit of shells/hunter applies.