Opening Day Doves

First off, let me give a big ol’ Heck Yeah to the SCDNR, for a, surprisingly, high quality Dove Field!!

The Clay Pitts WMA field, off of hwy. 252, near Laurens, was, by far, the best Public Dove Field I’ve ever hunted!

It’s 50 acres, of mostly hay grazer, and a few briars, with a large row of Sunflowers through the entire middle of the field.

Birds/shooting started around 1:00, and we were still shooting, while heading for the gate at 6:00, the mandatory stop time.

I was number 133, on a fifty acre field, and was more than a little concerned, at first! But, it was a great crowd, who respected each other, and no low bird shots.

As usual, some stands were better than others, but everyone had a great shoot!!

I’ll be back next Saturday, if any of you want to hook up, and enjoy a really good Dove Hunt.

We were checked by SCDNR, twice, so make sure you have your license, Migratory Bird Permit, and gun plugged, if necessary. Also, a two box limit of shells/hunter applies.

Those were my last two birds, as I headed for the gate.

One last note, I didn’t hear any other hunts going on in the vicinity, so the Birds should hang around, and more should come in.

We postponed our Club Field opener, in Townville, until the second Dove season, due to the amount of Corn being harvested, and scattering the birds all over the place.

I enjoyed reading that, a lot of good info for someone like me whos never hunted public land in South Carolina.

Thats a nice pea shooter too, what is it? The checkering is nice

It’s a Berretta Silver Pigeon, 12 ga. I was shooting I.C. over a Skeet choke.
If I hadn’t left my other chokes in the truck, and didn’t want to miss the action, I probably would’ve changed to Mod. over I.C.

If you notice the open box of shells in the pic. I had just opened my second box, and grabbed my 26th shell, for the hunt, out of it. 13 birds out of 26 shots, ain’t so bad for a, site challenged, ol’ timer…eh? LMAO!!

Actually, it was 24 shots. The two in the barrels aren’t spent, and my hunt was over.


Thanks for the report and nice shootin!

I was gonna go to either the Santee Dam or Donnelley hunts but ended up on the honey do side of things instead.

Sounds like a great time, maybe I will try a followup shoot somewhere

Keep us posted on your hunt, if you get a chance to go!

Hey @Bolbie, care to shoot us a report, too? If you’ve had a chance to hunt yet.

Fun to read. I love dove breast on the grill

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Second Saturday Report:

Not near as many people on the field yesterday. Still plenty of birds!

Slight rain brought the birds in a little early, I suspect? And, we were still shooting, as we headed for the gate, at 6:00.

I ended up with six birds, out of 19 shots. Although, I had a “friend” behind me pick up at least four of my birds.

All in all, another fine shoot, especially, for a SCDNR, public field!

Tried my Browning, Gold Hunter, once again, and nothing but trouble from it! Won’t eject spent shells, and cost me a few shots.

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Oh yeah, I’m a morning person , and dont follow what the crowds do.

I wait until morning hunts are allowed, and went 8 for 8. To save you an explanation, I only allow an 8 bird limit…why? My habitat has been created and geared towards nesting birds, and dont want to shoot up the resident flock in 1 season. Those resident birds will continue to feed, and later decoy migratory birds passing through. Shooting doves in the winter is a lot easier on my dog, and more enjoyable.


Thanks for the input!!

Bolbie knows stuff