Opening day!

Weather is looking to be great for us upstate hunters! Birds will hopefully be on fire and I am counting down the days! Who else cant wait to get in the woods?? Who on here hunts in open pastures and who hunts back in the hardwoods/creek bottoms?

211 key west 175 suzuki

I hunt all the above, in the lowcountry though.

our season’s already open but the turkeys haven’t been told that yet… lol

they aren’t turned on yet, u can find them but they aren’t really on yet… early last year, late this year

Sea Hunt Triton 177
115 Yamaha

Das right! I’m hunting in Blackstock Saturday morning. I caught two out in a field on Sunday while I was driving past in my truck. rolled the window down and just with my mouth did a “putt putt putt…chalk chalk chalk chalk” and both of them about blew their heads off gobbling back at me. DANGIT BOY I CAN"T WAIT! Remember Saturday is a youth only day. The season doesn’t open until the 1st though.

“Immature is a word boring people use to describe fun people.”
Will Ferrell

One died on my farm 3/15 and they were gobbling their heads off. Of course the hens were doing their best to keep thier boyfriends with them. Went yesterday morning to listen at my lease in the upstate and they were screaming all over. If I would have had my shotgun at least one would have been flopping. Rain this Sunday but nice monday. Easy to slip in close on Monday morning with wet leaves. They will head to fields or upland sunny spots to dry off after a night of rain if that happens. Good luck.