Opinion or thoughts

I have been trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with this generation of folks.
They always seem depressed or down, not enjoying the life they have.
I understand certain circumstances but ,(**(). Don’t wanna work or talk to other humans.
My 17yo had a job, he worked 6 weeks and boom,quite cause he didn’t like it.
I have tried to explain that you cannot give up when something is hard,you gotta keep going until something else comes up.
Maybe some of you folks can help me understand wtf is going on.

He’s 17!!! hahaha
Just keep pounding. The light bulb will come out eventually…

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

Personally, I believe social media and the news have a lot to do with all of this “depression” and introverted behavior we seem to be hearing so much about. So many social media sites are so full of crap and people believe all of it. The news is nothing but bad for the most part so many people have convinced themselves that the future is bleak.

It is sad that at 17 your son feels that way. Maybe try and get him involved in something he enjoys and that has some kind or meaning to him.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

I wish I had an answer for you. Growing pains for sure. All three of mine had there individual differences and challenges growing up. If only kids came with instruction manuals. When he quits work, how does he have any money for gas, insurance, food, rent or anything else? I remember a few jobs I sure wanted to quit, but just knew to survive I had to stick with it. It’s hard but sometimes tuff love is one way, start making him pay for his food, charge rent, don’t give him any gas money, etc, if he moves out I doubt his friends will support him. 17 is an awkward age. Best of luck and always let him know you love him, just not always what he does.

Please take this one thing in a good manner as I mean no offence, Monitor his friends and watch his actions/ mood swings good to make sure he doesn’t start on a path of illicit drugs. Be careful what you say and how you say it.

Tough call DD. Surely wish y’all the best. I will surely regurgitate what some of the others have said, but here it goes.

PAY attention and seek help beyond here if you sense depression.

Also, my son went thru a period, ugh, just like me with hanging out with a couple of kids and doing the wrong things at that age. Not their fault, as I was wrong as well. I was smarter tho, due to the stupid things I did at that age, and knew what to look for. We had some serious arguments for sure.

Thankfully, he passed thru that and honestly, think he is actually better for it. Not promoting that experience for sure, just sayin’.

Also, he just turned 27, has wife, baby, with another on the way. And is the most respectful person you could ever meet. Things change, and hopefully for y’all, it will for the better.

My son loves to fish and hunt, with a little golf at times that I got him involved in at a young age. Perhaps that or something else will spur something in him to get off the inter web social destruction pattern.

Just a thought, if you pay the cell bill, you have access to some info. Phone numbers at least.

Good luck and God Bless ya.

Let him know often that ya Love him, and are there, but be Firm!


I told my boys to get squared away or join the service.haha

Well played, sman.


:smiley: You sound like my dad… How old are ya if you don’t mind me asking? Mom went back to work to send me to college, I had a “free” ride, but I listened to Dad, joined the service. My first years salary was $12,673 and put in 60-120+ hours a week! No regrets… I think many could benefit from at least a four year stint in a Branch of choice. Today military pay is actually pretty good.

thanks to my hero…At 17 years old my narrow a$$ was on a bus to MCRD Parris Island.
Military not the answer for everyone. But it sure was for me.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

I think my point to me posting the question is what is wrong with this generation of people.
They seem lazy, always to there self, no gumption to do anything. Everything is me me me. Intittled.
I do agree and appreciate all the words that you fellas have spoken.
I am proud of my son, he does well in school, very respectful, will help anyone that asks.
Taking away electronics from him,he could care less about it. We did get him a car, but he didn’t listen to me, and broke it, so no ride.
Me and mom have been trying to get him to get a job, but again no gumption.
I really wanted him to serve, but with 2 screws and a plate in his foot, don’t think that will ever happen.
Of course, and Fred67 can agree,there’s not much work out here in the boro. Small but yet big town.
I don’t understand why some companies want 18yo people, when they could hire at 16 or 17 and train them with hands on training.
That’s how I was brought into the work force.
My 1st job was a wire puller and a driver for Anderson Electric. Mr. Anderson taught me alot.

Double D.

You raised him. Long as he knows right from wrong…it will work itself out. Tough love is what is tough on Dad and Mom. There’s plenty of work out there. Time to fly on his own.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Hey man, I can’t go along with that one. More jobs around here than I’ve ever seen. Might not be the work your son wants, but jobs are out there. Don’t let him tell you that one. I still think the big blame goes to Us parents for not following through with all the new teaching methods and brain washing our schools now do. Entitlement mind sets and participation trophies. One needs to strive harder than the next person to to their personal best. You strive to out do others, not be mediocre.

Many of these jobs actually have sign on bonuses!

Colleton county maintenance has a big billboard out looking for help, PGP petroleum, Sonic, Taco Bell, Parkers, A1 Cleaning service, Sheriff’s office, Enterprise Bank(entry level), J&L Wire, KFC, Veterans victory House, Hampton Inn ($200), Pizza Hut, Hill t

Sorry brother, didn’t mean to bring you in on something like that.
I know the jobs are here, magic age (18) for most.
He’ll find something eventually.

Thank you fellas.
Ya’ll have a good week.

Double D.

My biggest concern with this generation is they will be the ones taking care of me/wife during our old age…

I can envision it now… I am getting major surgery in my old age, and the “surgeon” is on CFC in the politics forum still arguing with Alfredo while performing the procedure… Alfredo offers to buy a fried pork chop lunch for the “surgeon” to apologize for being a jerk while arguing, and the surgeon leaves for his “free” lunch before my procedure is done…

RBF Radicals Blame Foxitis

*** My valuable insight, wisdom, and truth is the inspiration for many signature lines, tantrums, and meltdowns…

“My biggest concern with this generation is they will be the ones taking care of me/wife during our old age…”
</font id=“size4”>

WHAT???</font id=“size5”>

This generation is the result of everyone gets a participation trophy.

Competition has been dumbed down. Education has become indoctrination.

Most good surgeons are intensely competitive…they wouldn’t waste time arguing with Fred…or You for that matter.
You best hope that your future “surgeon” isn’t a product of the NWO.
I want the best…don’t care what color they are…religion…sex…I want someone who achieved their best in what they do…and…they weren’t passed along because it was PC. What a farce.

We all are not equal…in intelligence…skills…ability. Wanting it so is a fools errand.
Standards are set to ensure the public safety. The reason for government is to protect the peeps that pay for that protection…all aspects from interstate transactions to national security. When government lowers its standards because it is PC…your safety is lowered…period.

Case in point (not really):


That 1st baseman best have a helluva batting average or he gone. How much is he getting paid to play PRO???

C"MON MAINN</font id=“size5”>

RBF, you maybe woke…but…you ain’t woke up. Reap what you sow…and all that.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

It was poking fun at Alfredo because he’ll still be in the politics forums arguing nonsense 20-30 years from now…

Ummmm, you are making my point… “This” generation the OP was referring to would be the ones taking care of me and the wife in our old age… We ain’t old yet like you…

Guess you’re liquored up posting again, and can’t reason as usual… Cheers!

RBF Radicals Blame Foxitis

*** My valuable insight, wisdom, and truth is the inspiration for many signature lines, tantrums, and meltdowns…

"Guess you’re liquored up posting again, and can’t reason as usual… Cheers!

</font id=“size6”>

Saul Alinsky…reason is irrelevant. Attack…

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”


You shoulda talked baseball…instead.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

I concur. Worst case I have ever seen.

Best to just avoid him and continue his Shunning. It’s the only way. It will certainly go a long way in curtailing his obsession with the soapbox pontification he so craves here.

The Shunning of RBF will also go a long way in reigning in this type of behavior sitewide.

Haha, you accuse me with “Ad Hominem” after you instigated it… Here is your statement/personal insult before I stated anything…

Reality is you didn’t even comprehend my comments, and got it all confused even though it was written very clearly… You then “fly off the handle” and compose a lengthy diatribe to me… I call you out on how you didn’t even comprehend what I clearly wrote, and you had nothing left but to respond with other than “Ad Hominem”…

Since you keep referring to Saul Alinsky… Reality is Drumpf follows his “playbook” perfectly:



RBF Radicals Blame Foxitis

*** My valuable insight, wisdom, and truth is the inspiration for many signature lines, tantrums, and meltdowns…

Haha, liberal “cancel culture” is on full display…

a person who acts in an affected manner in order to impress others.

RBF Radicals Blame Foxitis

*** My valuable insight, wisdom, and truth is the inspiration for many signature lines, tantrums, and meltdowns…