interesting article…what are yalls thoughts?
211 key west 175 suzuki
interesting article…what are yalls thoughts?
211 key west 175 suzuki
Corn?..Deer eat corn??
What I’d really like to know is how you got Saturdays News Paper on Fri? You could make some big $'s foretelling the future!![:0]
…Politicians aren’t the “Oldest Profession”, but the results are still the same!!!
Can you give me some insight on today’s football games before I make my picks for the parlay??
…Politicians aren’t the “Oldest Profession”, but the results are still the same!!!
It was on last night but Carolina wins by 32 and Clemson loses by 3 if u must know!
211 key west 175 suzuki
Dang, looks like I’m going to lose both of those, but thanks!!
…Politicians aren’t the “Oldest Profession”, but the results are still the same!!!
In all seriousness, thanks for the post. For some reason the SCDNR, and State Legislature, have become so confusing on the rules and regulations-both hunting and fishing-that like the article says, you need a Philadelphia Lawyer to figure it out!!
We’ve used corn here in the Upstate for years to “lure” the Deer, but it was illegal to hunt over it…RIGHT!!
I had a discussion a few months back with JimIslander about whether or not you needed a fishing license to fish with a cane pole using live worms as bait. Turns out you don’t, but you do need a special license on some impoundments. If something as simple as fishing with a cane pole and earth worms is so confusing, then how about the more complicated statutes???
…Politicians aren’t the “Oldest Profession”, but the results are still the same!!!
My 2 cents (this is simply my understanding of the article)…First, I grew up in the low country hunting in front of dogs and over corn. When I moved to the upstate 15 years ago I wondered how in the world people hunt without a corn pile. I got in with some local boys that taught me how to hunt without a corn pile. It took some getting used to but I enjoy it 100x more now than pouring out a bag of corn. As for the people who want to bait in the upstate…the article says that you cannot bait deer to hunt but you can broadcast corn and other attractants for wild life. It also says that if a deer comes in to an area you put out corn in (for hogs for example)you can shoot the deer. So, I put out a corn pile and one of the few game wardens left walks up. [Me]…“Yes, sir/ma’am, I am hunting hogs. This deer walked in though and I decided to shoot it. Is it illegal to shoot deer that have been lured to an area?” [GW]“No it’s not sir, carry on and good luck with your hog hunt.”
So there is your loop hole for reasonable doubt. Next, with the amount of WMA lands we have in GZ’s 1 and 2 the GW’s have a much larger task in managing those lands during hunting season. In fact, I enjoy spending a large amount of time on those lands and no matter how far back in I go or how “lost” I think I have myself I’d say 1 out of 5 times when I come out of the woods I get checked by a game warden. So if the one or two wardens are patroling game lands do you really think they are overly concerned with the fellas hunting private lands and putting out corn while there is this big gaping hole in the baiting law that stops them from prosecuting you? I dunno…like I said, That is my interpretation of the article/law.
I’m not slurring my words…I’m simply speaking in cursive.