Other forums and gripe about ours. (rant)

I like browsing other larger forums, just because there is a lot of activity. Usually I can glean some decent information that may be helpful.

What I have a problem with is the stupid misspelling of everyday words. Isn’t spellcheck pretty much built in and you have to over ride it to butcher it? How do these people afford 200 G boats and not be able to spell? Proper English and spelling was taught when I went to school? There also seems to be a lot of keyboard cowboys ripping other people’s posts.
I think CF has a higher level of education than most sites and it is a welcome relief. Intelligent posts are refreshing.

Our critics to posts though, are getting to be ridiculous.
How can a post be called out? Fish is too small, wasn’t a Tarpon you hooked, You are doing it wrong, you hooked the bottom stupid.

How dare you? You weren’t in the freaking boat. You didn’t see the fish except for a maybe a picture? What makes your opinion gospel?
Civility and and common sense is severely lacking these days.

If you have a difference of opinion to a post, there are better ways to express it. Someone freely offered a report to possibly help or just inform.

I consider CF to be one of the best forums out there, but I am tired of people speaking out their ass to a post. Obviously mommy and daddy didn’t raise you right. That’s not how we roll in the south.

Bring it on!!!

Originally posted by quarterpound

I like browsing other larger forums, just because there is a lot of activity. Usually I can glean some decent information that may be helpful.

What I have a problem with is the stupid misspelling of everyday words. Isn’t spellcheck pretty much built in and you have to over ride it to butcher it? How do these people afford 200 G boats and not be able to spell? Proper English and spelling was taught when I went to school? There also seems to be a lot of keyboard cowboys ripping other people’s posts.
I think CF has a higher level of education than most sites and it is a welcome relief. Intelligent posts are refreshing.

Our critics to posts though, are getting to be ridiculous.
How can a post be called out? Fish is too small, wasn’t a Tarpon you hooked, You are doing it wrong, you hooked the bottom stupid.

How dare you? You weren’t in the freaking boat. You didn’t see the fish except for a maybe a picture? What makes your opinion gospel?
Civility and and common sense is severely lacking these days.

If you have a difference of opinion to a post, there are better ways to express it. Someone freely offered a report to possibly help or just inform.

I consider CF to be one of the best forums out there, but I am tired of people speaking out their ass to a post. Obviously mommy and daddy didn’t raise you right. That’s not how we roll in the south.

Bring it on!!!

It’s override.

…and spell check…two words.[:I]


George McDonald
US Navy Seabees,Retired,
MAD, Charleston Chapter

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by dparker677

…and spell check…two words.[:I]

Total perfection.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Originally posted by 7cs
Originally posted by quarterpound

I like browsing other larger forums, just because there is a lot of activity. Usually I can glean some decent information that may be helpful.

What I have a problem with is the stupid misspelling of everyday words. Isn’t spellcheck pretty much built in and you have to over ride it to butcher it? How do these people afford 200 G boats and not be able to spell? Proper English and spelling was taught when I went to school? There also seems to be a lot of keyboard cowboys ripping other people’s posts.
I think CF has a higher level of education than most sites and it is a welcome relief. Intelligent posts are refreshing.

Our critics to posts though, are getting to be ridiculous.
How can a post be called out? Fish is too small, wasn’t a Tarpon you hooked, You are doing it wrong, you hooked the bottom stupid.

How dare you? You weren’t in the freaking boat. You didn’t see the fish except for a maybe a picture? What makes your opinion gospel?
Civility and and common sense is severely lacking these days.

If you have a difference of opinion to a post, there are better ways to express it. Someone freely offered a report to possibly help or just inform.

I consider CF to be one of the best forums out there, but I am tired of people speaking out their ass to a post. Obviously mommy and daddy didn’t raise you right. That’s not how we roll in the south.

Bring it on!!!

It’s override.

That’s pretty observant. lol.

Spell check or auto correct is good but sometimes words get by, or folks ignore it. How about good old proof reading? Take a look at what you’ve just typed before hitting the submit reply button.
My wife has a bad habit of not looking at what she has written when sending text messages. That makes for some confusing reading. In her defense, it’s never her fault. It’s always issue with the phone. Mainly the keyboard is too small for her fingers. Funny, my hands/fingers are much larger than hers and I don’t have those problems. I told her that once. Just once.

Bob Van Gundy
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Some people just can’t handle the internets…

If at first you don’t succeed, fish and fish again…

Originally posted by El Bandito

Some people just can’t handle the internets…

If at first you don’t succeed, fish and fish again…

Most browsers do the spell checking for you anyway, the forum software doesn’t need code to do what the browser is doing already in most cases. I know Chrome and FF underline misspelled words (pretty sure IE/Edge do also) otherwise I’d have 100’s of typos instead of 10’s lol. Maybe safari or whatever the fruit company is using for a browser does not spell check.

You gonna talk or FISH!

I know he was talking about my spelling! Couldn’t spell in school and still cant spell 60 years later but I got by and mannaged to retire and live pretty well! Never typed till I found CF a few years ago!

Originally posted by boatpoor

I know he was talking about my spelling! Couldn’t spell in school and still cant spell 60 years later but I got by and mannaged to retire and live pretty well! Never typed till I found CF a few years ago!

Don’t worry about it boatpoor , I always understand your posts.Sounds like he was a victim of some internet bullies :frowning_face: . I can assure you,misspelled words will seem trivial if he gets a girlfriend and catches some fish.
Originally posted by sman
Originally posted by boatpoor

I know he was talking about my spelling! Couldn’t spell in school and still cant spell 60 years later but I got by and mannaged to retire and live pretty well! Never typed till I found CF a few years ago!

Don’t worry about it boatpoor , I always understand your posts.Sounds like he was a victim of some internet bullies :frowning_face: . I can assure you,misspelled words will seem trivial if he gets a girlfriend and catches some fish.

Truer words have not been spoken(typed) :slightly_smiling_face:

Fishing Nerd

“skilled labor isn’t cheap, cheap labor isn’t skilled”

This belongs in the spelling and grammar forum. Tighten up

Originally posted by PeaPod

This belongs in the spelling and grammar forum. Tighten up

That's insituous.
That's insituous.

Uh, what?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Insiduous? Insitious? My spell check must be on the fritz.:smiley:


adjective (not the movie)

  1. Intended to entrap or beguile:
    an insidious plan.
  2. Stealthily treacherous or deceitful:
    an insidious enemy.
  3. Operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect:
    an insidious disease.

The intentional misspelling and choice of that word sounded good at that particular time.

Originally posted by quarterpound

I like browsing other larger forums, just because there is a lot of activity. Usually I can glean some decent information that may be helpful.

What I have a problem with is the stupid misspelling of everyday words. Isn’t spellcheck pretty much built in and you have to over ride it to butcher it? How do these people afford 200 G boats and not be able to spell? Proper English and spelling was taught when I went to school? There also seems to be a lot of keyboard cowboys ripping other people’s posts.
I think CF has a higher level of education than most sites and it is a welcome relief. Intelligent posts are refreshing.

Our critics to posts though, are getting to be ridiculous.
How can a post be called out? Fish is too small, wasn’t a Tarpon you hooked, You are doing it wrong, you hooked the bottom stupid.

How dare you? You weren’t in the freaking boat. You didn’t see the fish except for a maybe a picture? What makes your opinion gospel?
Civility and and common sense is severely lacking these days.

If you have a difference of opinion to a post, there are better ways to express it. Someone freely offered a report to possibly help or just inform.

I consider CF to be one of the best forums out there, but I am tired of people speaking out their ass to a post. Obviously mommy and daddy didn’t raise you right. That’s not how we roll in the south.

Bring it on!!!

If you liked it better in Ohio Interstate highways run 2 ways.

Well, I did get a lot of rises out of my post. Most were as I expected them to be and I have no problem with any of them, Lol. Thanks for reading and the replies.

Not from Ohio, been a Low Country resident for 57 years. Personal best king mack, 43 lbs, Wahoo, 95 lbs. Yes, I have pictures. Have also placed 2nd in Fishing for Miracles tourney. I do have a few credentials.

Cowboys will always be cowboys.

Besides, ya’ll made it a hot topic. Ha

Originally posted by quarterpound

Besides, ya’ll made it a hot topic. Ha

I think you meant “y’all”, which is short for “you all”. Just sayin’…

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”