Our Marine still in jail after 128 days

Originally posted by Bolbie

Are guns legal in Mexico?

Why did this cat have an AR,.45 cal,and a shotgun all loaded?Why 400 ammo rounds in the vehicle?Was he straight up telling the truth to all Mex officials?

Tahmooressi was not in a war zone,Sgt.Bergdahl was held by Taliban,in a war zone,quite a difference.

It is an unfortunate incident,his mother seems to have a handle on squelching the Fox news whipped hysteria,she says no SEAL team 6 is necessary.

He may be doing his “time out”, for breaking the Mexican law.

REALLY bolbie? You think for a second the taliban held a “captive” for 4 years??? but from prior post from you I can understand your support of a deserter and lack of support for an American citizen.

Your a trip dude. You and Fritz. Hope for your sake you never run out of daddy’s money.

I grew up in a military family, actually lived in base housing on camp Pendleton while my father was in Vietnam, I served as did both of my brothers, had two nephews who served and were deployed to Iraq, one to aphganistan as well. One thing none of us were ever told was that because of our service that we were above the law, actually quite the opposite, that because we were American military we were to hold ourselves to a higher standard.

I was taught in boot camp, and it was reiterated many times there after, that when deployed to or visiting a foreign country that we were to respect the laws of what ever land we happened to be in at the time. If not we would not only suffer the consequences imposed by the local officials, that we would also stand before the man upon our return to our duty station and that our commanding officers would likely be just as hard or harder on us than the officials of what ever country we screwed up in.

After getting drunk and passing out on a Rosarita beach I found out that was an absolute truth. All the Mexican cops did to me, was cuff me, put me in a holding cell and call sp to come and get their man. Shore patrol sat me on a metal bench and cuffed me to a rail in a grey van for the long very hot trip back to Miramar. No how ya doin, no water, no aspirin, no nuthin. It was an extremely unpleasant cure for an incredibly bad hang over. At Capt mast two days later after enduring an extremely thorough ass chewing. I lost a stripe, was fined two hundred dollars and sentenced to 120 days of restriction to duty and watches. Hell all I did was get drunk and take a nap on a beach! ok very drunk, and apparently I wasn’t exactly cooperative with the Mexican authorities, I actually don’t remember my arrest. My point is, ALL military personnel are told in no uncertain terms not to break the law here in the U.S. and especially while abroad.

This unfortunate young man MAY not have been living up to the standards the marine corps taught him, if so he wouldn’t have broken the law in Ca

Sorry wasn’t finished, hit reply rather than review. As I was saying I am not condemning this guy I truly hope that there are reasonable and accepted reasons for his current situation so that he is exonerated and allowed to come home. Do I think he should be attributed special consideration because he is former military? Well, yes and no, lots of us who served live some of the lessons we learned while serving every day of our lives and maintain the standards of personal conduct adhered to while serving for the rest of our lives. Some do not. It is an unpleasant fact that not everyone who takes the oath and signs on the dotted line is a good person. I believe most are, but I’m relatively sure that all of us who served know that the military has its share of aholes just like very other community out there.

Once a marine always a marine! its a great sentiment and would be wonderful if it were always true. Sadly it is not, I believe the majority are, but we all know there are guys who get out of the Marine Corps and every other branch of the military who go on to live lives of criminals, beat there wives, abandon their children, ect. Some people are bad when they join period, usually the rigors of military life, especially marines, will weed them out but not always and they’re bad when they get out.

I don’t believe that to be true of this young man at this point, I feel that because he is dealing with PTSD it has effected his ability to make sound decisions. Taking loaded weapons into Mexico without proper documentation was not a sound decision. It certainly was a mistake, whether it was intentional or not I have no Idea. I hope it was not but, like I eluded to before. I find it very difficult to believe a lucid adult could make a wrong turn and find himself in Mexico with out knowing it. Apparently the man stated he was lost and looking for a place to turn around, ok, I hope that is true and the Mexican courts realize that fact and send him home so he can get the help he needs. He certainly wont get it down th

Well said.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Nice reply Salt420, I too was a military brat that later served our Country, but taking in effect his mental illness your point is missed on this American Vet I believe. From what I understand he was headed from Florida to California to seek treatment for his PTSD

What do you think about giving 5 terrorist for one deserter?


First of all, thank you sincerely for your service to our country. Guys like you make it possible for guys like me to freely spend time on sites like this.

Thank you also for providing an intelligent, articulate perspective. Your input provokes thoughtful discussion rather than knee-jerk responses. Some folks on here have an extensive history of posting responses/opinions just to stir the pot while never really contributing anything useful. Hopefully they too will be humbled by your ■■■■■■■■, as was I. Not really holding my breath, though…

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Thank you for your remarks gentlemen. Bart, I very much appreciate what you said, I consider my service to this country to have been an honor and a privilege.
Fred thank you as well for that disturbing tid bit of info. I didn’t realize that he was making the trip to California to seek help for his condition. That fact make the whole mess just that much more tragic. I’m thinking now that the symptoms he is suffering because of PTSD came to a crisis point and forced him to make the trip by himself under what may have been extreme duress. Another disgusting example of how our combat veterans are treated in this country, and have been, for far to many years.

I guess the best way to explain my point concerning his PTSD is to say that if not for PTSD he would not be in a Mexican jail at all. As too what I think should be done to bring him home, I’m afraid that answer is above my pay grade. In my mind our dilemma is, how do we as a nation retain our increasingly tenuous grip on the moral high ground if we don’t practice what we preach? I do believe this however, if that young man spends 14 years in a Mexican prison, because of his obviously precarious mental condition he will be lost.

Bergdahl and the five idiots? First let me say, I believe when dealing with Muslim jihadists screw the Geneva convention and world opinion. Those pinheads took up arms against our country so we should have gotten what info we could from them then sent on their way to Allah and their 72 virgins or what ever their deal is. If left up to me those guys wouldn’t have been available to trade unless there was value in their corpses.

Although it certainly looks like Bergdahl is guilty of the accusations against him, I only have what info I get from the media to judge that by, and I have no trust in mass media, liberal or conservative. I think journalistic integrity is a thing of the past or may have been nothing but a high but unrealistic ideal to begin with. If Bergdaahl is charged and found guilty of desertion and endangering his co