Our Marine still in jail after 128 days

This should make you all call our U.S. Senators, Graham and Scott and raise HELL! I have been in contact with both of their offices twice and have been told they are aware of this but that it is a State Department issue, I call Bovine Excrement to this. Our other Representatives like Wilson, Gowdy et.al. should all be called on the carpet for the inaction related to this. This young man Tahmooressi served two active duty tours, was in a vehicle hit by an IED and has been left to rot in a prison in Mexico by his Commander in Chief. He suffers with PTSD and I can only guess as to how he is handling this confinement. This has gone on 127 days too long, get active people and see if we can’t do right by this young man who risked his life for my and your freedom!

I’m on it too…will be trying to make contacts on his behalf…

Thanks for posting this…

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Makes me friggin sick. We swap 5 known terrorists for a known coward deserter scumbag and but do nothing to get this man home. If I was POTUS I would send in a SEAL team and bring the man home. Yesterday.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

One phone call from Obozo to the Mexican El Presidente and he would be released. I guess he is too busy playing golf.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

And fundraising!!!


Latest status. Bill Clinton got personally involved when a teenaged American punk for arrested, and later caned, for vandalizing cars in Singapore.

Barrack Obama got personally involved in the trade of 5 Taliban leaders for a US Army soldier who may have deserted his post.

An American veteran and current Marine Reservist is being held in Mexico and…silence.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

I can’t understand why Mexican officials haven’t just let him go. All I can figure is this marine must have really pissed them off and they are making him do “time-out” for his behavior… anybody thought about that? If not, yeah I agree with all the above.

If they told Mexican officials that not another child will be allowed across the border until we get our Marine back, he would have been released LONG ago!

Originally posted by Native_Son


Latest status. Bill Clinton got personally involved when a teenaged American punk for arrested, and later caned, for vandalizing cars in Singapore.

Barrack Obama got personally involved in the trade of 5 Taliban leaders for a US Army soldier who may have deserted his post.

An American veteran and current Marine Reservist is being held in Mexico and…silence.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

On Bill and the Singapore Idiot, that was just some rich parents with pull that got their punk kid out of trouble.

I posted this same thing a few months ago and got the limited response you have longbeard.

Why our president handed over 5 extreme terrorists for one piece of crap deserter that renounced his American citizenship as he left camp is beyond me. I also would like to see Bowe Bergdah’s letter that is still being kept from us as to why he deserted America.

Are guns legal in Mexico?

Why did this cat have an AR,.45 cal,and a shotgun all loaded?Why 400 ammo rounds in the vehicle?Was he straight up telling the truth to all Mex officials?

Tahmooressi was not in a war zone,Sgt.Bergdahl was held by Taliban,in a war zone,quite a difference.

It is an unfortunate incident,his mother seems to have a handle on squelching the Fox news whipped hysteria,she says no SEAL team 6 is necessary.

He may be doing his “time out”, for breaking the Mexican law.

Originally posted by Bolbie

Are guns legal in Mexico?

Why did this cat have an AR,.45 cal,and a shotgun all loaded?Why 400 ammo rounds in the vehicle?Was he straight up telling the truth to all Mex officials?

Tahmooressi was not in a war zone,Sgt.Bergdahl was held by Taliban,in a war zone,quite a difference.

It is an unfortunate incident,his mother seems to have a handle on squelching the Fox news whipped hysteria,she says no SEAL team 6 is necessary.

He may be doing his “time out”, for breaking the Mexican law.

Tahmooresi was moving and on the road. He had kept the firearms in his vehicle because the people he had stayed with weren’t comfortable with them in their home since they couldn’t be locked up. I travel the roads of SC with more firepower than that all the time, doesn’t mean I am up to something nefarious, that I have a fear of something or anything of the sort, it could mean I’m going to a gun show, moving, or have been trading.

Bergdahl deserted his post, walked off (AWOL) and went native. I guess you missed the fact he didn’t address his rescuers in English but Pashto, that his father went NDN too. Behrgdahl is a POS that needs to hang for his treason. Obama’s trade will come back to haunt this country through the deaths of soldiers and civilians.

And yes, guns are legal in Mexico if you have the proper permitting and paperwork submitted. You do realize that a lot of people actually hunt in Old Mehico.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Originally posted by saltydog235
Originally posted by Bolbie

Are guns legal in Mexico?

Why did this cat have an AR,.45 cal,and a shotgun all loaded?Why 400 ammo rounds in the vehicle?Was he straight up telling the truth to all Mex officials?

Tahmooressi was not in a war zone,Sgt.Bergdahl was held by Taliban,in a war zone,quite a difference.

It is an unfortunate incident,his mother seems to have a handle on squelching the Fox news whipped hysteria,she says no SEAL team 6 is necessary.

He may be doing his “time out”, for breaking the Mexican law.

Tahmooresi was moving and on the road. He had kept the firearms in his vehicle because the people he had stayed with weren’t comfortable with them in their home since they couldn’t be locked up. I travel the roads of SC with more firepower than that all the time, doesn’t mean I am up to something nefarious, that I have a fear of something or anything of the sort, it could mean I’m going to a gun show, moving, or have been trading.

Bergdahl deserted his post, walked off (AWOL) and went native. I guess you missed the fact he didn’t address his rescuers in English but Pashto, that his father went NDN too. Behrgdahl is a POS that needs to hang for his treason. Obama’s trade will come back to haunt this country through the deaths of soldiers and civilians.

And yes, guns are legal in Mexico if you have the proper permitting and paperwork submitted. You do realize that a lot of people actually hunt in Old Mehico.

This entire thing would take someone from the State Department or Executive making one phone call. I guarantee you that Bush (both), Reagan and Clinton even wouldn’t have let this go this f

there is a right to “keep”,and a right to “bear” arms in Mexico.

Keeping, means keeping a gun in your home. Bearing them, fall under police rules/regs.I doubt Tahmooressi was within the proper guidelines,according to Mexican law.All 3 guns were loaded.

Ignorance is no excuse under the law.Misleading info from the start,and trying to escape to another holding cell didn’t help this cat.

Complain,but you do the crime,you will do the time.Too bad it was in Mexico.

Bolbie thanks for being such a Patriot, hope the next time your freedoms are infringed upon you don’t call on the military for assistance. It is absurd the lack of support from this site for this young Marine.

Originally posted by Bolbie

there is a right to “keep”,and a right to “bear” arms in Mexico.

Keeping, means keeping a gun in your home. Bearing them, fall under police rules/regs.I doubt Tahmooressi was within the proper guidelines,according to Mexican law.All 3 guns were loaded.

Ignorance is no excuse under the law.Misleading info from the start,and trying to escape to another holding cell didn’t help this cat.

Complain,but you do the crime,you will do the time.Too bad it was in Mexico.

He made a mistake, tried to turn around and was honest about what was in his vehicle. That’s a crime? I guess by your moronic logic, he should have pulled off the side of the road, thrown the guns into a ditch, hit the crossing then asked to turn around in hopes his guns would still be there.

Sometimes I really have a hard time believing you can be as stupid and illogical as you come across. Then again, you voted for Obama.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Tahmooressi is an ex-marine,honorably discharged in 2012.At the time of his arrest he was legally a civilian.In fact Mexican authorities have stated for the record the Tahmooressi did not make any claim to military status at the time of his detention and arrest.

The President can not publicly interfere Tahmooressi’s criminal case in Mexican Federal court.No head of state can publicly interfere in a foreign country’s criminal justice system.He’s not Tahmooressi’s CIC, because Tahmooressi’s not a marine anymore.The young man is on active reserve,but still legally makes him a civilian.

I hope the young man returns home soon,but he’s in a bad spot.

Salty,did you ever play organized sports?I hope not,because you are a very sore loser.

Should we be outraged about all american citizens that have committed crimes in foreign countries and are in jail for it?

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Originally posted by CaptFritz

Should we be outraged about all american citizens that have committed crimes in foreign countries and are in jail for it?

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

No, but when our “president” is trading true patriots for terrorists and deserters, that’s a problem…

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

And 2 different topics.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

You for the record are never an Ex Marine, you are a Marine! Reserve or active duty if you are called to serve you must respond!