Our Service Men & Women

I would like to thank all of those that presently serve or have served. My Dad was a Naval aviator for 20 years. 2 tours in Vietnam and over 900 carrier take-offs and landings (as well as 2 plane crashes). A couple of years ago, while he still had a pretty good memory, we were able to identify the 13 different aircraft carriers he flew from, even the Canadian one (he spent 2 years exchange duty in the Canadian Navy. We also figured out that of the 20 years in the service, he was at sea nearly 9 1/2 years. My Dad passed away in June and I really miss him and wish I had told him more how much I admired and respected all he did. I am really proud of him.

I know many of you are private people but, there are many former servicemen/women here on CF. I’d be honored if you felt comfortable enough to step forward today and tell us what branch you served in so we could all thank you.

Thanks to all that served or still serve, you are what makes our country great.

Thank you DF!

Easy - Army

Thank you DF, but I don’t need any thanks. Back then we called it duty, honor and country. None of us did anything for thanks. Heck, most were drafted and didn’t want to be there anyway. We did it because our country said they needed us. Now I’m not so sure about that, but real sure about the men who thought it was so.

Thanks to all, and the family members of all vets too. They have to give a lot.


Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

US Navy 1967-71.

I was lucky to get in the Navy. At that time, it wasn’t whether you were going to get drafted but when. Got my draft notice while I was in boot camp, a couple days after my 19th Birthday.

I am so proud to see that times have changed and service men and women get the respect and appreciation they deserve.

Thanks, DF

US Navy 1995-2003. My wife is currently active Navy as week as my oldest son. Both which are deploying in the next two months. I myself am a disabled veteran and miss it every day. Thanks to all those who have served and are serving now. USUSUS

Thanks to those of you that spoke up and those that served but did not. You are all great men and women and we owe you all.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?