When should you be expected to pay for the balance of a hunt that you’ve book and left a deposit on? I’m going on a Wyoming Elk hunt in Oct and the outfitter is wanting us to pay for the balance of the hunt by June. We’ve already given him a $1500. deposit. Curious to hear what others have encountered.
seems fishy to ask for a deposit, then ask for the balance before the reservation. what was the point of the deposit, if you have to pay in full to hold the date? sounds like they are a little money strapped in the off season.
I have always paid a deposit and paid the balance during or after the hunt. We paid our outfitter after the second day of the hunt this year. He needed to get the money in the bank. I have hunted with some outfitters multiple times and paid them early, these are guys I hunted w/ many times. Your situation sounds funny,although he may have to secure tags and lodging. I would ask the outfitter for reference and contact hunters they have guided in the past.