Package Thievery

The libtards will write a law to protect the scared bandits.

First ever workplace violence incident, Wounded Knee,SD.

Should have tared and feathered her, then dumped a bucket of rotten fish juice mixed with dog dookie, and road kill on her. Then… tattoo Thief across her forehead.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

It is funny! That guy is setting himself up for a law suit! If that thief women had fallen down the stairs and gone to the hospital, he could have been in big trouble!

NO Trespassing sign on the porch an you should be
covered for law suit. No one invited her
on to it.

Why in the HELL should anyone have to put a no trespassing sign on anything???
Do you own this piece of property? Is this your house? Then you are trespassing ! ! ! !
This is the stupid crap we have got to get rid of.
I can see him being liable to someone who had a reasonable reason to be on his porch AND disturb the package. ie: the delivery driver needed to re-scan the package. Other than that he treated her lightly.

Remember the woman that spilled the hot coffee in her lap:question: She sued and won!

Playing around on the computer on a day off and saw this post. Just because a “no trespassing” sign is put up does not mean a person can’t sue you if they get hurt on your property. I had some issues on my property and was told to put an ad in the paper for a month prior to placing no trespassing signs. DNR agent said by doing so it makes it a little better to defend a claim against you … if it happens.

If I had my way and caught that person stealing off my porch a load of birdshot in the butt would be justified.

copy and paste:
South Carolina

South Carolina outlines its criminal trespassing in its statutes in various places including 16-11-640. In essence they are the same as many of the other states in that a person entering and remaining when having no permission to do so will be guilty of trespassing. Offenders will be subject to varying levels of crimes, fines and potential imprisonment.

As for signage, agricultural lands require posting of notice in conspicuous places on the four borders of the land. Further, even enclosed places must have “clearly visible signs prohibiting trespass upon the premises.”

live and let live

Yeah, I don’t think shooting people with bird shot sounds legal…

Rock Salt will get your attention.

Double D.

Originally posted by skinneej

Yeah, I don’t think shooting people with bird shot sounds legal…

But could you imagine how awesome it would be if it were? Think about it, a person is illegally trespassing on your property, and to top it off they steal a package meant for you. You shoot said thief in the butt with birdshot, said thief goes to hospital, law enforcement shows up and arrests thief. Thief spends next 5 years on chain gang. Thief learns lesson and becomes productive member of American society. on the odd case that thief is an illegal alien, thief does not get treated for bird shot injection, but gets sent back to country of origin and media covers event to see thief off.

People are just too soft on thieves.

live and let live

Originally posted by Double D

Rock Salt will get your attention.

Double D.

Rock salt is only good for about 5 yards… or less. and then no penetration. cook some rice extremely salted and then dry it. Use it instead of rock salt. It doesn’t powder like rock salt does.

Rock salt when shot out of a shot gun turns to fine powder and does little to no good. Trust me, I’ve tried it several times as a youth. Mostly urban myth unless supper close to target.

live and let live