Painting Aluminum

Making an aluminum bracket (removable) that is pretty well complete and will have some LED lights mounted on it and am wondering what kind of spray paint will stick?? Rhino or similar would be cool, but no need. Wanna stay El Cheapo!

Looking forward to finishing this up and posting some pics…

BTW, it’s a G3 1648 that the bracket will be going all the way from anchor locks 9’ from bow all the way around to other anchor lock. Have 18" legs made for it that are already covered with heat shrink and tape, black.

Thanks All,

Most spray paint will stick fine as long as you prep & prime it. I just clean well with lacquer thinner, scuff with steel wool or scotch brite pads, wipe down again with the thinner and spray on a couple of light coats of aluminum primer, let it dry & paint with spray paint.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Like Bob said, prep is the key. I know a guy that has good success by scuffing with scotchbrite and cleaning with white vinegar. I like to scuff the surface with scotchbrite, clean with an organic solvent (acetone or MEK) then prime with Zinc Chromate primer and then paint.

218WA Sailfish
200 Verado
The "Penn"sion Plan

Thanks for the tips!