Panhandlers & the homeless?????

Y’all ever give money to these folks? Not too long ago there was a guy out by our office at the stoplight. Had a sign will work for food. The ladies in the office gathered up $14. Asked me to take it out to him. I told him hell no. I bet them that $14 he would not do a small amount of work for $20. I went out and asked him if he would sweep out the shop. told him it would probably take about 15 minutes. and I will give him $20. He very politely told me no thanks.and walk back out in the middle of the road with his sign. I occasionally stop and give the homeless guys 4-5 bucks that hang out around the VA.

I do not. Many of these “homeless” people are homeless by choice or, are not homeless at all but choose to panhandle for cash. It is well known that most of the “veterans” panhandling at the DC Mall are not veterans and many actually have homes and simply don’t want to work. For those that truly are homeless, there are organizations that will clothe, feed and shelter them. I just saw a story this week about a woman in NJ panhandling, she had a $500 purse and an $800 iPhone. When questioned by police, she admitted that she and other girlfriends frequently stood on the roadside asking for $. My own experience in the past year, a man approached me in a Target parking lot asking for $ for food. I rarely have cash and told him I had none and got in my car and pulled off. Compassion got the better of me so I turned around and went back and told the guy that if he would meet me in the restaurant in the same strip mall, I would buy him whatever he wanted to eat. He said he didn’t want to trouble me and again asked for cash. I again said I had none but would use my debit card to buy him a meal. He then asked if I could go to an ATM and just get some cash (he didn’t want to trouble me). I finally said forget it and left. No, most of these people truly do NOT want to “work for food”, they want cash for drugs or alcohol.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Too much scam and fraud. I get approached way too often by the “my car ia out of gas…” thugs. I know a number of people who give them money because they feel intimidated.
I have caught a couple who tried the ask and snatch. Always a good thing to make them regret ever trying it.

Brings to mind an old Charleston scammer named “Brother Albert” . He had a bunch of 1/2 way houses packed with homeless. Early every morning he bused his people to various intersections armed with white buckets with signs “Help The Children” Then he spent the rest of the day driving around emptying the buckets into the trunk of his Cadillac. He paid for all the houses and had cash to spare! The dead beats got a place to sleep , an occasional meal and what ever money they could skim ,and Brother Albert got lots of cash. There were pan handling laws passed to stop him , and he finally got nailed on tax fraud. I do feel for those guys at the VA and I have picked up some to do some work . good guys.

I personally know 2 people that worked their way out of being homeless (and booze). They Never give cash to sign holders and advised me not to as well.
That was good enough for me. We all do donate to the missionaries though.

“No… it’s okay, I know the way out…”

Originally posted by DFreedom

I do not. Many of these “homeless” people are homeless by choice or, are not homeless at all but choose to panhandle for cash. It is well known that most of the “veterans” panhandling at the DC Mall are not veterans and many actually have homes and simply don’t want to work. For those that truly are homeless, there are organizations that will clothe, feed and shelter them. I just saw a story this week about a woman in NJ panhandling, she had a $500 purse and an $800 iPhone. When questioned by police, she admitted that she and other girlfriends frequently stood on the roadside asking for $. My own experience in the past year, a man approached me in a Target parking lot asking for $ for food. I rarely have cash and told him I had none and got in my car and pulled off. Compassion got the better of me so I turned around and went back and told the guy that if he would meet me in the restaurant in the same strip mall, I would buy him whatever he wanted to eat. He said he didn’t want to trouble me and again asked for cash. I again said I had none but would use my debit card to buy him a meal. He then asked if I could go to an ATM and just get some cash (he didn’t want to trouble me). I finally said forget it and left. No, most of these people truly do NOT want to “work for food”, they want cash for drugs or alcohol.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Dfreedom, you sound like a good hearted dude.

I’ve walked past a person asking for money only to feel really bad about it. I tell the wife and children in today’s society it’s just not worth the risk spending any amount of time around these type of people. Too many avenues for them to seek help elsewhere rather than panhandle. I tell them to put the “extra” mo

Yes, they do not want food most of the time or work. I had finished and event and had quite a bit of food left, Sandwichs and such already made up, on my way home I stopped and tried to give a group of " Homeless people" the bags of food. They said ah no thanks but if you have a couple dollars.!! Get out of here, with that I was done.

2015 Channel 5

Can’t outlaw begging but…

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - Beginning Sept. 18, it will be illegal to give money to panhandlers on Charleston streets.

Charleston Police began handing out yellow cards to panhandlers Wednesday to alert them to a new ordinance passed at Tuesday night’s city council meeting.

That ordinance prohibits the passing of items to or from the occupant of a vehicle, which would include money given to people on the street, whether panhandling or collecting donations for a charity.

Under the new ordinance, panhandlers will have to move to parking lots to ask for money, or pay the price. The same holds true for drivers, who will be prevented from handing over money.

I usually ask the bums if they are going to buy wine or liquor with the money and they always lie and say no sir.Then I say too bad I would have given you some money if you were gonna get some liquor.haha

I was on a date one night in the Vista. First date. A guy asked for money because he was hungry. I said no, but if you want to walk down to McDonalds, I’ll buy you anything you want. He said yes please. I bought him a combo meal and he asked for ice cream. I said sure. He has no idea how much he helped me that night :smiley:.

Didn’t know it was called the Vista in the 50’s

Didn't know it was called the Vista in the 50's

Why so hatful?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Never ever even let them get close enough to you to give them money, they are not all just “good people on hard times”.

Originally posted by PeaPod

Didn’t know it was called the Vista in the 50’s

Yes. It was called it the Vista because if you parked your Studebaker on the river bluff, you had a great view of the city.

You son of a…