Paramedic - Hunter Eisele

So much to be thankful for today. Thanks to everyone for the assistance with Hunter’s truck and HVAC, and the thoughtful messages. We still need to take care of the roof and insulation. Any tips on roofing contractors would be great.

He was readmitted to the hospital last Tuesday for 5 days. Luckily not the HUS stuff he had before but complications from the prior surgery. He was scheduled for surgery Friday afternoon, luckily things cleared before that happened.

We’re thankful he was OK for Thanksgiving. The last time many family members had seen him in September he wasn’t expected to have any type of meaningful life. We are so blessed.

Pioneer 197SF

We too are so thankful that he is doing better!

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Dec 21
Hunter is finally out of the hospital and home with us. He went in on Dec 8 and was expected to stay for 5 days. That 5 days turned into 12. His surgeon, Dr Grice, did a great job and everything was repaired. The 7th floor Roper nurses did a super job taking care of him and his nurses from the ICU came to visit. We still can’t thank them enough for saving his life and returning him to us.

Prior to the surgery he had a chance to visit the ICU. No one recognized him until the floor manager asked me how he was doing. I just pointed across the hall to where he was standing. After a few seconds of shock and disbelief she turned and asked/stated, “That’s Hunter?!?” Then said, “OMG, that’s Hunter!!” I guess they don’t have too many good outcomes and were thrilled to see him standing, walking and healthy. The rest of the nurses joined in with exclamations and hugs. Needless to say, it was heartwarming.

Hunter is doing great but will need a few weeks to put on some weight and re-energize. This journey started on August 29 and during that time he lost 45 pounds. Hopefully all that is over and he can, and we can, move forward. We’re looking forward to a nice break from his 56 days in the hospital. The people that he has been able to visit have been surprised to see him and there have been plenty of hugs. He’s looking forward to seeing his friends.

The holiday season is here and it’s time to put this family back together. Your love and support have carried us along this journey. We’re forever grateful. Merry Christmas, we have already received the best gift ever.

Pioneer 197SF

Fantastic! Merry Christmas and a better New Year for your family.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

That is really great! Wishing him, you and the rest of your family a Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I know this has been terrible, but sometimes the greatest gifts come from times like these. Merry Christmas.

Great news! I know it will be the best Christmas ever! Did they ever figure out what the cause was?

We too are so happy for him and for all of you. Family is a Blessing…Im glad that he is on the road to recovery…Merry Christmas!

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Hunter posted this tonight. He went back to his regular duty as a Crew Chief on an ambulance yesterday.

My wife and I also want to thank each of you for the support we and he received. We spent 3.5 months in Charleston and realize how much we miss it, we’ll be back.

“What often times feels to me like an eternity, today it seems like just yesterday (August 29)I was going about my business as normal. I called out sick from work, ended up in the ER, and the rest is history. (Emergency Colectomy. Coma. Ventilator. Dialysis. Plasmapheresis. Transfusions. Ileostomy. Physical, occupational, and speech therapy.) As I reflect upon the many days and nights in the hospital, and all of my recovery time, I realize how lucky I am to have such an amazing support system. I have to sincerely thank everyone who showed me support through this period of unexpected challenges. The stars may have aligned for me, allowing me a wonderful team of specialists, amazingly talented and caring ICU nurses, and the wonderful support from everyone who has shown me how much they care. I couldn’t have made it this far without all of you! In the last two days, I’ve been told I wasn’t expected to be back this soon, or ever, so I have to thank God for the blessings I’ve received over the last 6 months. Happy to be back!”

Pioneer 197SF

it’s been a little over a year since I’ve posted here, so many good things have happened.

The doctors continue to say there is no reason Hunter is alive - in a coma for 5 days with no brain activity, we were told to pull the plug, some organs removed, kidneys wrecked, etc., etc. The only explanation is the good Lord decided it wasn’t his time. He went back to work as a Crew Chief Paramedic for Charleston County last February, was recognized as Paramedic of the Year, and has been following his dream of opening a tap room.

He’s been brewing beer for a few years and a couple of them have been highly ranked. He joined with a couple other guys and the grand opening of Twisted Cypress is this Friday.

Last week Hunter posted this:
A year and a half ago I experienced a life changing event that made me really consider what I’m doing with myself. I made a choice to put fear aside and jump in head first. A year ago in March we signed a lease, and in exactly one week, on March 10th, Twisted Cypress Brewing Company will open it’s doors to the public.

There are a few folks that our family owes a huge debt too. Free beer for you!! For anyone that wants to stop by, it’s the old Moose Lodge building at 1897 Sam Rittenberg. I’ll be the old guy with the huge smile.

Ribbon cutting with the mayor at 7 PM, food truck and live music. Would love to meet some new friends.

Pioneer 197SF