PayPal question

I’ve had paypal for many years now and my Brother just told me that in November if Paypal thinks you are spreading misinformation or their idea of hate speech they are going to fine you $2,500. I was just searching about this and found a mix of information.

Anyone one out there know the truth on this one? I’m probably going to cancel anyway as they will not let you use paypal on any gun or ammo related websites. I like the security for online shopping but guess I need to seek out another source.

It’s not just that. If they suspect that you are dealing guns even legally they will freeze your account! They did that to me and it took over 6 months to get my money back

After thousands have cancelled their Pay Pal accounts, due to their recent TOS revision, it looks like PP has retracted their newest resolution.

I’d still be finding a better Provider, with “my” values in mind!

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Me too now

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Let me know what you go with. I do a lot of parts ordering off line and I like the security of using a service like PayPal, but like you, I want my values in mind.

Remember when it was misinformation to state Joe never took showers with his daughter, or that the vaccine would not keep you from getting covid? Oh so many things PayPal could misconstrue with all the fake news going on in today’s modern World.

I sure hope Paypal members are not Vegan! I’ve really been giving that group heck.

I’m just getting started on my research Fred, but here are a couple I like so far.
Alignpay and Both seem to be Liberty minded, U.S. owned, Companies.

Still researching them, though.

Looks like you got it right

Reverse censorship onto the commies


Probably an extension of Obama’s DOJ Operation Choke Point excising/denying financial services to gundealers/ gunstores, etc.

“We don’t let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?”
― Joseph Stalin

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I do my best to avoid doing business with any entity that does not align with my core values. Nike, Disney, Chipotle, Starbucks and now PP to name a few. I haven’t missed doing business with any of them and, while I know my absence has not hurt any of them, I feel better not putting $ in their pocket.