PeePad wants to know

Wants to know the old dude that sunk his boat eons ago screenname. He would cuss TK out on the other shitty website. What’s his name (screenname)?

you dirty sob

Am I lying?

What’s his name? I forget the boat name/screen name but it sank and it’s gone but not forgotten.

You are a bitter old man. You hate puppies and freedom.

240 SeaMaster?

27 something or other?

What was it?

His name is (was) Stress Relief. Frank is his name, he lives in East Bend, North Carolina in the valley along the Yadkin River.

I’m still in touch with him occasionally. He still makes some really nice furniture and lives pretty simply.

There was a youtube video taken from aboard the cruise ship that fished them out of the ocean that day,it showed his boat just as it slipped out of sight.

True story, he got hit by a train in his 18 wheeler and lived to tell the story. Story and pictures on the front page of the Winston Salem Journal were hanging on the wall in his living room last time I was there (many years ago).

He could pitch a cuss fit like no one I’ve ever heard.

Good Times

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Thats it I knew you’d know buddy. Hope all is well brother.

Wow EF. Thanks for that. I never believe a word Strickland said. But now that you’re here there’s some credibility to the whole thing

Man, what a nostalgic post.

I’m getting old. When I first stumbled into the original CF I was using a dial-up modem on old Compaq and Wang computers as I recall. Gig had a site called Charleston Wired that a lot of fishing guys around Charleston started hanging out on. Everybody was a unique character and had a schtick. Remember CAC? I’m still in contact with him.

In the old days people were much easier to “fool with” than they are today.

During the earlier days of the www me and a couple buddies had a site set up where men could check in and for a fee pay us to talk dirty to them. Remember, it was all chat room type sites back then so no one ever saw your face, only what you sent them. Porn was the main dish served on the www back then. Probably still is, go figure.

So anyway, when that deal ran its course I told a good many of my " cyber lovers" that I was really a man and they had been snookered. What’s funny is most of them said stuff like,“Come on Candy, stop fooling around” and “Star, thats not funny, but I don’t care, what are you wearing?”

Good times.

And it was all fun and games until deeprig rickrolled you :grinning::smiley::slightly_smiling_face:

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If only you’d been on the boat the day we encountered the Short Bus offshore…

I think I know the current short bus owner

I think I work at the place the short bus stops.

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