I am wanting to buy a pellet gun but i dont know what i. need to get i want to be able to shoot semi long range , i have a 177 which at about 15 yds i can group all the pellets within a couple inches of each other but when i move out. to about 30 yards i am in a 8 inch group i want to be able to shoot a little better than that at thqt distance. so i was thinkin a 22 break action with a nice scope . if any one has one they want to sell or have a sugestion on what i should get let me know.
thanks in advance…
Get a RWS they are great guns made in Germany. I have one w/out a scope and can shoot great groups at 40yds with irons. This is a rifle you could pass down to your children.
I have a lot of sucess with both of my game pellet guns. Both are 177 cal and 1000 feet per second. It’s hard to find a 1000 feet per second 22 cal
A 22 break barrel is not going to shoot near is far as the basic 177 cal 1000 fps. Stick with a 177 caliber 1000 fps
I have a Gamo Shadow 1000 and it is pure garbage. 4" groups at 25 yards with pretty much every single .177 pellet I’ve tried. I even rebuilt the seals with a kit from Gamo and it’s still garbage. My only recommendation is don’t get a Gamo.