This is the tip of a Spinfisher VI rod. Couple seasons of use, 20 lb braid. It’s the “combo” rod.
Compared to St Croix Triumph which gets even more use.
This is the tip of a Spinfisher VI rod. Couple seasons of use, 20 lb braid. It’s the “combo” rod.
That ceramic doesn’t mind the abrasion at all. The soft steel is feeling the pain haha
That tip cost $2.00. Put a new one on. Heat the base of the tip with a lighter and pull off with pliers. You can order a tip from Mud hole or Get Bit. Or find a rod repair person. Very easy fix. I’m in West Ashley if you need it done.
Good call, thanks!
Guide rings have changed a lot since braid came in the scene. Your bad tip does not look like it has any insert. Just soft metal which has been etched badly. An alconite ring will last years. Interesting looking at your photos. The bottom rod has a running guide used as the tip. Must have been repaired?
lol, kinda repaired. Son snapped the tip somehow, so cleaned up the fiberglass and the guide became the tip. No longer a 7’ rod
We’ve all got one of those rods for one reason or the other haha
My best throwing rods (distance wise) are the ones with a repaired tip!