
Put out camera a few nights ago behind my house for the first time after i missed a big boy with the bow. Didnt realize they have been filming a porno behind my house. The funniest part is the other buck watching. Looks like hes trying to tell him how to do it.

22 mako
200 e-tec

lol, great pic!

And the Doe is still eating! Maybe he does need lessons:wink:

Now that is some funny sheet!

He might be giving pointers but more than likely just waiting his turn . Thats a good pic.


My guess is that they are both under 18, and you’re being watched by the feds now.

… The Cross of Christ is the anvil upon which the hammer of evil wore itself out.

Originally posted by Easy

And the Doe is still eating! Maybe he does need lessons:wink:



07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”