Do yall cut the dorsal fin off before putting one on a hook ?
Yes on cutting he spines. Better for cobia and grouper in my opinion.
36 ft Yellowfin Yamaha Trip 300
27 ft Seahunt Yamaha Twin 200
Hyabusa Sabiki size 4 or 3, with a 2-3oz weight on the bottom. Thaw out a box of chum, drop in 5 gallon bucket and mix with some builders sand. Make some chum balls, and drop in water. Wait a few mins, and you will see bait on your bottom reader. Drop Sabiki, and bring up bait. Do this around any channel buoy outside the jetties.
So they make pinfish traps… sell them on ama$on and ePay. In FL, rules allow traps of specific sizes: Traps not exceeding two feet in any dimension may have a throat or entrance not exceeding 3 inches in height by 3/4-inch in width, restricting just about anything but a pinfish like fish. A fishing license is required. From what heard at a seminar 2yrs back is that SC uses the FL rules.
Capt. Garry Coats
Folly Beach & CHS