How do you guys feel about planers while king fishing? Pros-Cons?
I like planers and use them often under the right conditions. I primarily use planers when i’m pulling spoons and don’t need to get it down very far. If you use anything larger than a #2 planer, you’ve really got to up scale your equipment. I usually use a number 1 with a spoon behind it. I like a #1 because you can use 20 pound equipment, and don’t have to lock the drag down. The best thing to do is buy a couple planers and try them. Many people don’t like planers, but an equal amount do. They are only about 12 bucks a piece. Start out with a 1 and a 2. Once you try the two, you’ll notice the distinct difference in how deep they run and how hard they pull. Then you’ll realize what I mean about up sizing your gear for the larger planers. If you want a more controled approach to getting your baits down, go with a down rigger. A down rigger will also allow you to use down sized equipment, while still achieving your target depth. Down riggers also take up a lot of rail room however, so make sure your boat is laid out for this addition. Personally, i’d stay away from the downriggers until you know for sure you’ll need them.
I like it raw
Be careful with those things…they will pop you between the eyes if you aint watching…
how do you guys like to run them? Do you run the planer straight from the rod or tie it off to a cleat? If you tie it to the cleat, what setup do you use for transferring the line down? I have been tinkering with these things since last summer and haven’t settled on one way of using them.
Key West 225
Johnson 225 4stroke
I run mine right on the rod. I tie a ball bearing coast lock snap swivel on the end of my line. I clip onto the planer from there. When I make a rig, I tie a snap swivel on the end of that as well. It’s so easy, you just snap the planer on the rod, snap on the leader, and you’re ready to drop the lures/baits. I’ve use the “poor mans downriggers” before that come with the nylon rope that you tie to a cleat. I used them a couple times, but I felt they were goofy and unpredicatable. I don’t like them. Sure you can use a much larger planer and still use lighter gear, but I don’t like them. You may find them useful however, as you know the old saying about opinions. LOL, everyone has one. This is what i’m refering to:
I have two at the house that came with the yellow rope versus the heavy mono. They retail at right around 20 bucks. The system uses double snap swivels and rubber bands to get the bait down. You deploy the planer off the cleat. Once deployed, you attache one end of the double to the planer rope, and the other end to the rubber band, which is wraped around your fighting line. WHen you let it go, it’s suppose to track down to the planer and sit. When you get a strike, the rubber band breaks, releasing you to fight the fish.
I like it raw
Slick pic Tarpon…can I borrow 20 bucks…
I believe that a plainer with a yellow spoon is the most deadliest on kings, i kinda cheat and use a big planer rod and attach the spoon behind it with about 10 feet of heavy mono or wire and that has worked great for me on really all species of mackerel from kings to cerros to spanish
Lance Munn
Reel Tight Charters
also another really good feature i picked up from this guy is to spray paint your plainer black and you can put all kinds of glitter and that kinda crap or just leave it black it has really worked great for me
Lance Munn
Reel Tight Charters