Plant/garden nerds look here

There is a group of frenchies who have developed an app to identify plants from a picture. So far it works for about 4100 species of plants in France but the more people who download it and start submitting plant pictures and info, the bigger the database will become and the more useful it will be. This could be pretty neat for those folks who like to forage for stuff or are interested to see what weeds are growing in their garden. Also for teaching kids (scout troops on nature hikes?) how to identify plants in the wild.

Edit- After doing a little more digging, it appears there are a few other apps out there that are more useful in North America where this PlantNet app falls short. Very cool idea though and I’ll be checking those ones out.

That is pretty cool. Can you imagine the information that could be collected worldwide and the "library " created from it? Need to do this for bugs , spiders, etc.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”