planting no till soybeans for food plots

Anybody done this, I can’t seem to google up what I’m wondering, which mainly is - when to plant. Deer will likely eat them before they bear beans, but that’s why I’m putting them in, I guess.

Wait until the last chance of a frost. About a week or two before planting. If you have a bunch of deer, and if you are just planting a small plot…don’t waste your time. As soon as the beans pop up, the deer will mow them down over night–literally. Then, the beans will be dead…they don’t come back from browse pressure. I planted at least an acre worth last year, and that is what happened. The deer came in and mowed them down in one night–ALL OF THEM. Every leaf on every bean plant was gone. This time, I’m going to wait until 5-7 days before the season opens to plant beans or peas again,and I will use something like oats to mix in with them so I don’t have to replant again during the season. This is probably not what you want to hear, but I hope it helps.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

they are pricey,but deer nip the tops and the plant sprouts two new tops.get them established early,the deer can not keep up.

you are safe once May is here,some say after Easter,but ground is warmer in May for quick germination.

We use food plot saver . It is best if you can check on the plots every couple of days to be sure a kamikaze deer has not knocked over a section. DO NOT handle the fiberglass poles with bare hands. As they break down in the sun the fibers start to splinter. When we’re moving stands around and working on the property in the summer, we’ll leave our sweaty shirts there too - anything will help.

Mix in some turnip greens and beets with the beans. The deer won’t eat them until after first frost about the time the beans are gone. Good luck!

Originally posted by DeerHunter

We use food plot saver . It is best if you can check on the plots every couple of days to be sure a kamikaze deer has not knocked over a section. DO NOT handle the fiberglass poles with bare hands. As they break down in the sun the fibers start to splinter. When we’re moving stands around and working on the property in the summer, we’ll leave our sweaty shirts there too - anything will help.

Mix in some turnip greens and beets with the beans. The deer won’t eat them until after first frost about the time the beans are gone. Good luck!

turnips and beets in the spring?

If you mention extortion again, I’ll have your legs broken…

Sorry - a little early for those…did not want him to ignore the other growing seasons or stop once deer season was finished. We feed wildlife year around - only plots during turkey season, but feeders as well as soon as that is over

You can put milorganite on you’re plots it will keep deer out for up to like 6 weeks, unless washed away by a heavy rain. My dad and I have used it for 2 planting cycles now. Works great in my opinion

Originally posted by H.deerslayer

You can put milorganite on you’re plots it will keep deer out for up to like 6 weeks, unless washed away by a heavy rain. My dad and I have used it for 2 planting cycles now. Works great in my opinion

Milorganite/Poconite/Louisville Green/ect have become ineffective in a lot of areas, We have to run a hot wire around the sunflowers in our dove fields to keep the deer off of them now. If the deer aren’t used to the Human waste product it is effective to an extent. Small plots of beans/peas are a ***** around here.

Thanks for the help, we’ve a had very little luck in the past keeping the deer out, even with that awful smelling milo-whatever. The owner likes me to keep different things planed, I was going to do this again this year.