Plastic Island

Check this out. Hope it works.

Whoops, here is the right link.

hemp plastics are biodegradable

Mr. Bonzo you passed inspection, not one Miller Lite to be found:smiley:

Originally posted by runbabyrun

Mr. Bonzo you passed inspection, not one Miller Lite to be found:smiley:

thank you sir…those kiddos are developing some good Mother Earth habits right there…good stuff…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Bonzo, Cmon Man, those young men deserve your best. Turn the picture the right way…especially after the cleanup work. They are the future…bloody penguin players…generator fixers…caretakers of our world.

Originally posted by Great White

Well as long as we make recyclable plastics and actually recycle it it doesn’t really matter.

That’s the hitch. We have some wonderful people that do great at recycling or at least getting stuff in trash cans… then we have the rest that could care less about tossing trash out a car window or boat when no one’s looking. runbabyrun posted the ugly truth that we all know is way to common. Unfortunately those are the ones that will probably never worry about recycling that need to be using biodegradable stuff.

If we could put the energy that has been given to Global Warming into Recycling and keeping our Earth clean, we might make some progress.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

You do realize that renewable energy is an attempt to clean the world right too? Recycling is a carbon footprint reducer. Less landfill space is a nice benefit but energy/carbon reduction is the primary aim.

I feel like a lot of litter is accidental. But the cigarette butts everywhere piss me off. It’s hard to drive somewhere at night without catching somebody throw one out the window. IMO the fine should be higher and 20 hours of community service cleaning roadsides would be nice.

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