Plastic Island

is there a word to describe humans’ inability to comprehend our ignorance or consequences when it comes to global issues like trash and plastics in our oceans?

this article sickens me…yet I know that I am part of the problem…plastics are an important part of our lives, but our dependence on them has created monumental obstacles to overcome…again, this just sickens me…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

We are a despicable species. We will destroy our livable environment and evolve to find other places to destroy, thus, the space age.
But, don’t worry about the earth itself, it could care less about us or anything inhabiting it.
It will just keep on truckin’, with or without humankind.

I’m an old man now, I never recycled or thought about our environment until recently. I probably put more beers cans in the land fill than most of you. Laughed at global warming, Green Peace and all the tree huggers I’ve known.

I have now changed my ways. I recycle as much as possible. I limit my use of disposable products, try to use recyclables as much as possible. My generation has been extremely irresponsible in respect to our environment.

I made my living all my life in the construction industry, never sensitive to the projects I built. Although most of the projects I built, had no impact on our coast. I’m sure it reeked havoc on some inland property.

One of my kids doesn’t recycle, the other one is required too, but who looks in the bags.

My point is what we did or did not do, can not be undone, but can we teach our children to change their behavior. It’s for their good not mine.

Think I need another glass of wine, doctor says I can’t drink beer anymore. It’s bad for my gout.

Originally posted by WallyB

I’m an old man now, I never recycled or thought about our environment until recently. I probably put more beers cans in the land fill than most of you. Laughed at global warming, Green Peace and all the tree huggers I’ve known.

I have now changed my ways. I recycle as much as possible. I limit my use of disposable products, try to use recyclables as much as possible. My generation has been extremely irresponsible in respect to our environment.

I made my living all my life in the construction industry, never sensitive to the projects I built. Although most of the projects I built, had no impact on our coast. I’m sure it reeked havoc on some inland property.

One of my kids doesn’t recycle, the other one is required too, but who looks in the bags.

My point is what we did or did not do, can not be undone, but can we teach our children to change their behavior. It’s for their good not mine.

Think I need another glass of wine, doctor says I can’t drink beer anymore. It’s bad for my gout.

I like your style…I realized about 20 years ago that some of the things I was doing was irresponsible and changed some of my ways too…now our recycle can is full every other week, and our trash can is almost empty every week…but getting away from the single-use things, that is more difficult…I’m trying to take reusable bags to the grocery store and not drinking as much bottled water…every little bit helps…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Many countries use a tax to limit products that are damaging. For instance while I was in Germany, it would cost about 0.10 for a plastic bag at a store. A cloth/woven bag cost 1.00. They taxed the product that causes the problem and part of that money goes to companies that supply less damaging products.
AU makes you pay for the amount of landfill space and asphalt roof will take up. Everyone uses metal or tile.

Recycling has one major problem, labor cost. The amount of money to sort and “clean” the bulk materials before they can be reused. Why are we not using prison labor to fill this gap? Lower level prisoners could work, paying off some of what they owe, and offsetting the expense of incarcerating them in the first place. Build a full industry using prison labor that gives these people some kind of skill for when they get back on the street.

Originally posted by ReelShock

Recycling has one major problem, labor cost. The amount of money to sort and “clean” the bulk materials before they can be reused. Why are we not using prison labor to fill this gap? Lower level prisoners could work, paying off some of what they owe, and offsetting the expense of incarcerating them in the first place. Build a full industry using prison labor that gives these people some kind of skill for when they get back on the street.

Now that is an idea I love and agree 100% with. No need for the scum of society to not add something back.

I think the answer lays in the hands of the bleeding heart liberals that think it is cruel and unusual punishment. ?? Farm the sorry dead beat bastards out to the highest bidder. I know a lot of large land owners right now that need a lot of blown over trees cleaned up.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Though I’m not perfect in my recycling once you start doing it it’s amazing how little trash you end up with. My house of 2 probably averages .8 bags of trash a week. Most of that is

Wally and Bonzo as a younger guy I appreciate you changing your ways.

This story is unfortunate but not something we can’t fix in time.

First, Most, Biggest

^^^^^Fred;I agree !!^^^^^^ It’s one way they can be paying for their

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by ReelShock

Recycling has one major problem, labor cost. The amount of money to sort and “clean” the bulk materials before they can be reused. Why are we not using prison labor to fill this gap? Lower level prisoners could work, paying off some of what they owe, and offsetting the expense of incarcerating them in the first place. Build a full industry using prison labor that gives these people some kind of skill for when they get back on the street.

Now that is an idea I love and agree 100% with. No need for the scum of society to not add something back.

I think the answer lays in the hands of the bleeding heart liberals that think it is cruel and unusual punishment. ?? Farm the sorry dead beat bastards out to the highest bidder. I know a lot of large land owners right now that need a lot of blown over trees cleaned up.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Though I’m not against it there are sorting machines for this too. I would rather they clean the road side and cut those trees up.

Originally posted by Great White

Wally and Bonzo as a younger guy I appreciate you changing your ways.

I think I just got called “old”…:smiley:

oh yea, and single use beer cans all go in the recycle bin! ended up with quite a few after last night’s Clemson game!

The Morris Island Lighthouse

I thought this thread was about that new subdivision in dunes west

I believe 90% of plastic could be replace by paper, which is renewable, and bio degrades in a week.

with all our modern chemists, I wonder why we can not make a biodegradable plastic?

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

In our previous home, my wife and I always kept garbage and recyclables separate, dutifully put them out for the weekly city pick-up. Now, we live out in the country, no weekly pickup. So, we have to take the garbage and plastics to the local county dump site and dispose of them in to the appropriate compactor. Yesterday, when I took the stuff to the site, the garbage and plastic compactors were ‘closed’. The attendant told me to put everything in the building debris compactor!!! SO much for being environmentally conscientious!!! :smiley:

Originally posted by Fred67

with all our modern chemists, I wonder why we can not make a biodegradable plastic?

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

That’s my thought process. I mean are we really stuck on petroleum based never decomposing plastics, or is it just the oil lobby keeping it in the mainstream.

Some of both ED; but most of it is still mostly convenience and the lack of enforcement at landfills and collection points IMO:angry:

Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by Fred67

with all our modern chemists, I wonder why we can not make a biodegradable plastic?

That’s my thought process. I mean are we really stuck on petroleum based never decomposing plastics, or is it just the oil lobby keeping it in the mainstream.

Well as long as we make recyclable plastics and actually recycle it it doesn’t really matter. Didn’t sun chips make a biodegradable plastic bag once but the material was so noisy you would wake up your neighbors with your midnight snack?

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White
Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by Fred67

with all our modern chemists, I wonder why we can not make a biodegradable plastic?

That’s my thought process. I mean are we really stuck on petroleum based never decomposing plastics, or is it just the oil lobby keeping it in the mainstream.

Well as long as we make recyclable plastics and actually recycle it it doesn’t really matter. Didn’t sun chips make a biodegradable plastic bag once but the material was so noisy you would wake up your neighbors with your midnight snack?

First, Most, Biggest

yeah, but if we’re really thinking that was an inconvenience then we’re doomed. I know Dasani was making some plant based bottle at one point too, but not sure how that actually ‘biodegrades’

Originally posted by Great White

Well as long as we make recyclable plastics and actually recycle it it doesn’t really matter. Didn’t sun chips make a biodegradable plastic bag once but the material was so noisy you would wake up your neighbors with your midnight snack?

Originally posted by PeaPod

I thought this thread was about that new subdivision in dunes west

Couldn’t agree more,or the new yanks comin’ not respecting the environment, be it developers or those buying the houses alike.

“The further one gets into the wilderness, the greater the attraction of its lonely freedom”