Pleasant Hill Baptist Church: Testimony

Originally posted by mac daddy

Poly Ball, your reference is 2006, BEFORE Obama was elected.

My reference was in 2009, in a foreign speech to a foreign President or Prime Minister(Pakistan I believe???).

Internet postings definitely get twisted, especially those who are biased, obviously.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

"We have a very large Christian population, but we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, a Jewish nation, or a Muslim Nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values."

Tell me how that’s incorrect. People love to repost their chain letters taken completely out of context.

It is not incorrect Edisto,but try telling that to the person that thinks god was responsible for 9/11.

Wow edaniel, are you drinking the Kool-Aid.

It’s incorrect because of TRUE stats, NOT baloney stats. We can debate the truth about the stats, but not THE TRUTH of the stat figures.

As stated in the previous post, I am referring ONLY to the reference Obama made as our President, I don’t care about his 2006 statement.
DIRECTLY after that speech, a HARRIS poll was taken, which showed 82 percent of Americans PROFESS to be Christians. THAT IS NOT ENOUGH to say we are a Christian nation???

Frankly, I DON’T believe we are a Christian nation either, but most Americans believe we are, and PROFESS we are.

Not to mention, our denominational churches being at least 90 percent Christian.

I could go on and on with stats, but I have already stated my opinion of stats.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

Wow edaniel, are you drinking the Kool-Aid.

It’s incorrect because of TRUE stats, NOT baloney stats. We can debate the truth about the stats, but not THE TRUTH of the stat figures.

As stated in the previous post, I am referring ONLY to the reference Obama made as our President, I don’t care about his 2006 statement.
DIRECTLY after that speech, a HARRIS poll was taken, which showed 82 percent of Americans PROFESS to be Christians. THAT IS NOT ENOUGH to say we are a Christian nation???

Frankly, I DON’T believe we are a Christian nation either, but most Americans believe we are, and PROFESS we are.

Not to mention, our denominational churches being at least 90 percent Christian.

I could go on and on with stats, but I have already stated my opinion of stats.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Obama:“We have a large Christian population”
Mac Daddy:DIRECTLY after that speech, a HARRIS poll was taken, which showed 82 percent of Americans PROFESS to be Christians

Obama:“We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation”
Mac Daddy: Frankly, I DON’T believe we are a Christian nation either

Seems like you and Obama are right in line with your beliefs. Who’s drinking the Kool-Aid?

Yal need to watch reverand David Manning the preacher on YouTube… After reading crackers response and watching rev manning you will get the point…
Warning if your not good at dealing w the truth,don’t watch.

OK edaniel, you missed the point again. The point was, by stats, Obama can not say we are not a Christian nation. He MUST, and he usually does, go by stats alone.

You SHOULD have easily figured out what I meant. My point was simply I don’t believe those stats, because people lie, and MANY who profess Christianity, like every religion, are not REALLY what they profess to be. Therefore, stats on religion are VERY inaccurate, simply said.

My opinion and the President’s opinion are, I believe, in total contrast. I believe he is denying a statistical data fact, and I am denying a ‘practicing’ statistical data fact.

Should not have to be that expletive, but there it is.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Capehorn, I agree with Cracker Larry too. Trying to build houses, and take medical supplies to impoverished nations is like putting a ‘Band-Aid’ on CANCER.

“Charity begins at home” is not a Bible term, but I agree with it totally. THEN, if any materials or labor are left, go abroad. I KNOW the “great commission”, etc., BUT I also know “love your neighbor” in your own area too.

Not to mention, our own families, and relatives, that have unmet needs.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

The only thing that I would add about Haiti (and missions abroad)… YES, it is true that there is mission work to be done here. There is mission work all over the world. But, if certain people are truly passionate about doing work abroad then they should follow that passion. As with any “work”, you are always going to be at the top of your game if you are truly passionate about what you are doing. If you wake up in the morning excited about travelling all over the world to do mission work, and don’t feel the same inspiration at home, then you should be doing what inspires you to do God’s work.

Welcome home. Did you catch any fish in Panama?

I hear what you’re saying, but when I see poverty and hunger in my own neighborhood, I can’t see devoting my time and money somewhere else. I can’t save the world, already tried, but I can help my little corner of it be better.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Welcome home. Did you catch any fish in Panama?

I hear what you’re saying, but when I see poverty and hunger in my own neighborhood, I can’t see devoting my time and money somewhere else. I can’t save the world, already tried, but I can help my little corner of it be better.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Different strokes for different folks! I hear you though. I think some of these foreign mission trips are a good way to get younger crowds enthused. Think about the number of 17 year old kids who have never been outside of the country excited about the opportunity to see other parts of the world, fellowship, and help others in the same breath! Also, I think it's good for people to get out and see what things are like in 3rd world countries. Makes you appreciate what we have in the USA! Even our "poor" people on welfare with xboxes and flatscreen tvs and escalades don't have it as bad as a poor person in a 3rd world country.

I did not personally land a fish although I could have pulled the trigger on a 100+lb sailfish there. They don’t eat them over there though, so I wasn’t going to kill it just to kill it. I missed 3 yellowfins up to 80lbs. And on one dive I had a 100# yellowfin just 5-10 feet off the tip of my spear! Went to pull the trigger and SAFETY WAS ON!!! Doh!!! That was my big chance!

Anyway, I was the rookie on the trip. New gear, new gun that I have never fired (or even aimed), new strategy, jellyfish, venomous sea snakes, the threat of an Orca sneaking up on you or a large shark while swimming in your own chum trail, and drifting 60 miles offshore in the middle of the pacific ocean for up to 15-20 minutes by yourself

Never had any desire to do mission work in my life, let alone go to Africa of all places, but when God called on me after I screamed and begged over six hours for Him to come in my life and save me in May 2012, I now have a burning desire to share my story everyday to any lost soul that will listen. I also have a burning desire to go to Africa and share my testimony which is one of the two visions God gave me three years ago. Both visions are coming to pass. I do mission work for God everyday, but for two weeks in September every other year for as long as I am able, I will travel to Africa and share my story as I have been called to do! Praise God!

Capt Buddy Bizzell
Edisto Palmetto Charters
Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!

My testimony is available on CD upon request. Suggested donation of ten dollars to my Africa mission fund thru my church, Bethany Baptist and I will mail you a copy of the live interview on 99.9 WUCC with pastor Steve Hall. If you listen to my testimony, it may answer a lot of questions about my calling. Praise God!

Capt Buddy Bizzell
Edisto Palmetto Charters
Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!