Pleasant Hill Baptist Church: Testimony

Arpil 26th, 2015 at 6pm, I will be sharing my testimony at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church located outside of Springfield, SC. All are invited to come.:smiley:

Capt Buddy Bizzell
Edisto Palmetto Charters
Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!

My mission trip to Kenya in September is coming fast. I recently received vaccine shots and the plane tickets for our trip were purchased last week. Looking forward to spreading the gospel and doing my part! Praise God!:smiley:

Capt Buddy Bizzell
Edisto Palmetto Charters
Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!

Congratulations Buddy B, excited also about your opportunity to minister for God.

Let me know about your plans as far as subject, etc.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I did a mission trip once to Haiti. It was a wasted effort.

With all the problems we have at home, why take your work to Kenya? We need it right here. Just asking, not criticizing.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Exactly Cracker…Capt’n, I hope you have been keeping up with what has been happening in Kenya. I hope your group has some heavily armed security.

And up to date on Ebola vaccines.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Thanks guys! Safety is at the top of the list! Pray for our protection and safe travels in Jesus name. Amen!:smiley:

Capt Buddy Bizzell
Edisto Palmetto Charters
Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!

You are closer to Ebola in Charleston (it’s about 300 miles to Atlanta) than you will be in Kenya (over 3000 miles from West Africa).

I have heard that about 97% of all money donated to charity in the US stays in the US. One could argue that 97% is too high or too low, but I was a bit surprised to find out that it was that low. I had just assumed that it was much higher. There are right ways and wrong ways to help people. If helping ends up increasing dependency, it is being done wrong. If helping ends up decreasing dependency, it’s probably being done right.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Mission trips are NEVER a wasted effort. You have no way of knowing how God used your trip or your efforts to further His plan. It is called Faith.

I could be wrong, but isn’t the main reason for a mission trip to spread the Gospel to those that have never had a chance to hear it? I know things are done to help the people out while spreading that message on a mission trip, but I believe that is why mission trips are to areas like Kenya, Haiti, Liberia, etc. Most of the people here in America have had the opportunity to hear that message, not all, but most! They just chose to ignore it!

Mission trips are NEVER a wasted effort. You have no way of knowing how God used your trip or your efforts to further His plan. It is called Faith.

Well, I’ll tell you about mine. Our group was sponsored by a hospital. We had doctors, nurses, farmers, electricians and mechanics and others. About 40 people in all with different specialties. We had flown in 10,000 coconuts to plant, to help the deforestation they had created by cutting down almost every tree. Our group spent weeks planting coconut plantations, and at night the locals would come and dig up the seeds and eat them. In 3 weeks we had put 10,000 coconuts in the ground and there wasn’t one left. Should have just put them in a bin on the street.

The village hospital didn’t have any power at all and the locals said the generator was broke. It was my job to get it fixed, so I go check it out and it doesn’t have a drop of diesel fuel in it. No problem, we had flown in 5,000 gallons of diesel, so I had some fuel delivered, filled it up and after a little injector bleeding had it fired up and running. Problem solved, right? Wrong.

5 minutes later a jeep full of Papa Docs soldiers with automatic weapons came and shut down my generator and took all our diesel fuel.

We had flown in a lot of drugs, antibiotics mostly. The soldiers came into the hospital and took those too.

If not a wasted trip, it was very frustrating. Lot of efforts and money, very little gain except Papa Doc got some free fuel for his generator and some penicillin for his venereal diseases. The locals who needed it didn’t get much but a couple of meals of coconuts and some medical care without drugs or electricity.

Edit: I do wish you much luck with your trip. I agree that any good you try to do never is a completely wasted effort, no matter how it works out.

Maybe the difference here is Larry’s trip was sponsored by a hospital for ‘humanitarian’ purposes. Buddy’s is a salvation mission, I am GUESSING.

BOTH are desperately needed in America also, I agree.

BUT, people are people, and will do what they feel is best usually, so, each of us has to make our own mind as to prioritize decisions.

Jesus covered this situation with His Disciples, saying clothe and feed the BRETHREN, definition is like men of nations, community, or spiritual brothers, quite broad definition.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Sounds frustrating Larry, but sometimes it is the smallest of things that we never see that makes the biggest differences. For example, maybe there was a young child that noticed your efforts and what was trying to be accomplished and that motivated him to become more involved later down the road became a doctor or organized a group that made his country a better place or better yet turned his life to God and later lead hundreds of his own people to God. Those are the kinds of things I think about when I chose to do something and people are all around telling that it is useless or not worth it. I think more often than not, we never see the good that comes out of our work, we just have to believe that God will use it for His plan.

One thing to note, if in our efforts, if we ever find ourselves needing or wanting any sense of accolades or even needing a sense of accomplishment for our efforts in doing God’s works, then we may need to ask ourselves if we are doing for God or for ourselves to make us feel better. Not saying that feeling appreciated isn’t nice or to feel like we accomplished something isn’t rewarding, just need to be careful that it isn’t THE reason for our action. That is a fine line with pride and pride is always self serving. Unfortunately we are taught from an early age that pride is a good thing.

Just have to keep doing what we all think is right and never lose focus of Jesus Christ along the way.

GREAT WORD RWL, especially on PRIDE, of the 6 things God HATES in Proverb chapter 6, #1=“A prideful look”!!!

Unfortunately, that subject is not going to be taught much, because we are actually taught to have pride for our works, AND for our family members constantly!!!
Even in churches too!!!
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Yes, very good words indeed, but I’m not going back to Haiti.

Just have to keep doing what we all think is right

There ya go :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I appreciate your point too, Larry. I also feel our nation needs help VERY BADLY. Since we’re on the subject of our nation, I would like to make some observations of America’s being ‘chastised’ by God for not staying the course in obeying Him.

75(?) Million murders by abortion, we are APPROVING that act as a nation, so as a nation we MUST be chastised.

Do we ACTUALLY think God will allow us, as a nation, to make a mockery of God by refusing His word in public places, by refusing His son’s name to be used in our military, and our public places???

For President Obama to actually say we are NOT a Christian nation???

To worship other Gods (money, career, cars, homes, boats, EVEN family) BEFORE God???

God said "If any man come to me, and HATE NOT his father, and mother, and wife,aand children, and BRETHREN, and sisters, yea, and HIS OWN LIFE ALSO, he CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE. LUKE 14:26. The word hate is mis-translated there, should say ‘loves less’, obviously Jesus told us to HONOR our Father and mother, NOT hate them. Quoted from the KJV translation.

I am going to make a bold statement that WILL infuriate some, but hopefully most will agree with me. I believe 911 was a part of God’s chastisement against America. That explains a lot of the ‘miracles’ that Christians experienced being spared’ that day, etc. I have made this statement before, and heard the questions some of you are naturally asking now. Like, "are you saying none of the people who died were Christians??? Or I don’t believe God would allow that many people to be killed???

Then think what He did to His CHOSEN people, the Jews, DESTROYED their entire nation, and scattered them abroad throughout the world, to suffer persecution as ‘foreigners’ in strange lands for over 2,000 years, until 1948, when He allowed them to be a nation once again.

TRULY, America is under persecution in the White House, inour economy, marriage, family life, churches, EVERY facet of our life.

Did you know the word says "do NOT borrow f

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Yes, very good words indeed, but I’m not going back to Haiti.

Just have to keep doing what we all think is right

There ya go :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I hear ya Larry. You are already one up on me because I doubt I ever go to Haiti once!

Originally posted by mac daddy

75(?) Million murders by abortion, we are APPROVING that act as a nation, so as a nation we MUST be chastised.

For President Obama to actually say we are NOT a Christian nation???

To worship other Gods (money, career, cars, homes, boats, EVEN family) BEFORE God???

Are we allowed to make counter points in these threads? I will anyhow…

Look at Obama’s statement - and compare it to your first statement. How could we be a Christian nation and allow abortion? Over 97.5% of our lawmakers, both state and federal, are Christian - yet abortion is legal. (No - I don’t support Obama or Abortion, but thats not the point)

Your last statement - we are on a boating website, full people that own expensive recreational boats and equipment… how in terms of the bible is owning a boat Christian? Why do many yachts, sportfish’s, CC’s and the like have religious names or symbols on them?

Matthew 6:19-21 ? ?Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.?

Matthew 19:16, 21-22 ? ?And behold, a man came up to Him (Jesus), saying, ?Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?? Jesus said to him, ?If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven, and come, follow Me.? When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.??

I ask because many that preach own the above - and frankly, it gets old hearing them preach.

Originally posted by mac daddy

I appreciate your point too, Larry. I also feel our nation needs help VERY BADLY. Since we’re on the subject of our nation, I would like to make some observations of America’s being ‘chastised’ by God for not staying the course in obeying Him.

75(?) Million murders by abortion, we are APPROVING that act as a nation, so as a nation we MUST be chastised.

Do we ACTUALLY think God will allow us, as a nation, to make a mockery of God by refusing His word in public places, by refusing His son’s name to be used in our military, and our public places???

For President Obama to actually say we are NOT a Christian nation???

To worship other Gods (money, career, cars, homes, boats, EVEN family) BEFORE God???

God said "If any man come to me, and HATE NOT his father, and mother, and wife,aand children, and BRETHREN, and sisters, yea, and HIS OWN LIFE ALSO, he CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE. LUKE 14:26. The word hate is mis-translated there, should say ‘loves less’, obviously Jesus told us to HONOR our Father and mother, NOT hate them. Quoted from the KJV translation.

I am going to make a bold statement that WILL infuriate some, but hopefully most will agree with me. I believe 911 was a part of God’s chastisement against America. That explains a lot of the ‘miracles’ that Christians experienced being spared’ that day, etc. I have made this statement before, and heard the questions some of you are naturally asking now. Like, "are you saying none of the people who died were Christians??? Or I don’t believe God would allow that many people to be killed???

Then think what He did to His CHOSEN people, the Jews, DESTROYED their entire nation, and scattered them abroad throughout the world, to suffer persecution as ‘foreigners’ in strange lands for over 2,000 years, until 1948, when He allowed them to be a nation once again.


Poly Ball, your reference is 2006, BEFORE Obama was elected.

My reference was in 2009, in a foreign speech to a foreign President or Prime Minister(Pakistan I believe???).

Internet postings definitely get twisted, especially those who are biased, obviously.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Jughed, sorry so late responding…

1- 97.5 percent of lawmakers Christian, NOT even a fool would believe that figure.

2- OWNING a boat is no problem. The WORSHIP of a boat is a problem. The Bible says ANYTHING that comes between you and God is an idol, thus, when you let it come before God, and MANY DO, it is an idol…

3- Where your treasure is; you answered your own counterpoint.

4- Go SELL your goods also answers your counterpoint.

5- “gets OLD hearing preachers preach on this”. Primary reason is you have missed the point of their message. BUT, I will agree anyway, that I too am VERY tired of the ‘same old messages’ from preachers.

That is my purpose entirely here, to give FRESH, new truth, rather than stale truth that is half-truth, and watered down…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”