Please Help my little buddy Luke

Lukes race was today in their school gym and he ran 38 laps! I made this sign for him and he signed it…the smile on his face pretty much says it all!
Thanks to all who sponsored for helping him raise money for his school! Penn :smiley:

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Way to go Luke!

I’m disappointed at this poor turn out in the CF community though. Penny never asks for anything, and would give you anything you asked for that she has. She has never asked for anything for herself, just to help somebody else. Yall ain’t got $5? Give me a break.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Its ok Larry…I posted this kinda late . Really…thanks to those who did sponser Luke and btw…he raised the most in his class! What impressed me was that he didn’t tell me that… all he talked about was how many laps he ran…what fun he had…and that “our class did great”!! I didn’t know he did so well until I asked his mom :slight_smile: Like his run today… I think Luke will go a long way in life with that attitude! Thanks again everyone!

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16