Possible fuel pump issues

I picked up a 94 j16 skiff with a 2004 yamaha 25hp 2 stroke. Im having issues when running at full throttle. Sporadically the motor will slow down like it can’t maintain speed but when I go slower it runs fine and after I speed back up its fine. I replaced the fuel line/bulb/inline fuel filter and the gas is good.

I’m thinking it could be a fuel pump. Any suggestions on where to take it, or could it be something simple that I can fix?

Any info is appreciated!

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

-Benjamin Franklin

Malibu Stealth 12
94 J16 Carolina Skiff/2004 yamaha 25

when that happens…
pump the primer bulb and see if the symptom goes away


If it is the fuel pump, there usually isn’t must to rebuilding them…

A bad day fishing is much better than a good day at work.

Thanks, i’ll give that a try.

Originally posted by chris V

when that happens…
pump the primer bulb and see if the symptom goes away


“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

-Benjamin Franklin

Malibu Stealth 12
94 J16 Carolina Skiff/2004 yamaha 25