Possible trip for Saturday the 17th

Long way out, but hoping to go for sheeps at the reefs and/or bottom fishing if the weather permits next Saturday. Anyone interested e-mail me (looking for 2, maybe 3 people depending on weather and type of fishing)…

Key West 21’6" BayReef
225 Honda
Tightlines and God Bless

PM sent.

14’ Pamlico 140 Angler w/ rudder
Switching to lead-free tackle.

check your pm

pm sent

There is nothing - absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Kenneth Grahame

Better put your long handles on.

Big Dummy

Looks like I got some people to fish Saturday. Jordan and Fishboy I’ll be in touch. Anyone else, maybe next time.

Key West 21’6" BayReef
225 Honda
Tightlines and God Bless

Thats gonna be a cold ride in that bay boat. 18 for a low, probably low 20’s on the beach.

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

VERY COLD…a man must be crazy to go in that or just confident that fighting fish all day will keep him warm…Oh my, looking like it might be a blow out, but who knows!

Key West 21’6" BayReef
225 Honda
Tightlines and God Bless