Prayers and advice

Hello All,

I have a coworker that was having some pain in his upper belly area for the last couple of weeks.

He ended up in the hospital. and after several tests, he has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has spread to the liver (stage 4). He just celebrated his 60th birthday and was constantly talking about retiring this year or next.

He has been sent home from hospital awaiting the start of Chemo. Monday.

Any Prayers and advice as to where to seek treatment outside of Augusta that may help him would be greatly appreciated.

Edit; Not bashing the care in Augusta, just want him to get the BEST care possible, regardless of where.

Life is short…Thanks and God Bless!


07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”

Prayers from here.

My wife has a co-worker friend, they both work at a big neurosurgery office, who was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She is traveling back and forth to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for treatments at the recommendations of 10 brain surgeons. Supposed to be the best in the country for that.

Thanks Larry, someone else told me that would be their choice as well.

Anyone else, please pray and advise, as I will pass it on.



07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”

Prayers sent.

As to advice, tell your coworker to enjoy what time he/she has left! Make the best of it. Personally I wouldn’t go with the aggressive radiation treatment and just enjoy what time I had left before passing over to the great reward. Chemo is so rough on a body and Pancreatic cancer that has spread to the liver…:face_with_head_bandage::roll_eyes:. No matter where you go it’s only going to prolong the inevitable.

MD Anderson in TX is a good one too. Prayers going up!

  • I’d rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave.


prayers said and sent. As tough as this is to say…I too would just try to enjoy what time I had as comfortably as I could. sometimes the chemo works…sometimes it robs you of what little quality time you have left. John Hopkins is a wonderful hospital. Closer to home MUSC and Roper.
Cancer is a horrible horrible disease. Just lost a a friend last week to cancer and he fought it to the end. Another life taken too soon.

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Prayers from here.

My wife has a co-worker friend, they both work at a big neurosurgery office, who was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She is traveling back and forth to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for treatments at the recommendations of 10 brain surgeons. Supposed to be the best in the country for that.

First and foremost, prayer delivered on behalf of your coworker and those around him.

On another note, my goodness, Cracker! Is there any subject for which you can’t provide some useful information? I’m starting to think I know what you look like:

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

I agree with Fred and Penny . I just recently had my wishes recorded on how I dont want anything that will keep me alive if I am terminal . Yes M D Anderson and also Houston
Methodish ( sp ) also in Houston. My son Wesley had his first kidney transplant there .I’m sure that Atlanta , Florida and Shands in Florida prolly have a great cancer ward .
Prayers for your friend and family .


Thanks Everyone


07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys

“Coastal Bound”

My mom was diagnosed w/ lung cancer in 2011 at the age of 64. We celebrated her 67th birthday last month! She went thru 33 chemo and 15 radiation treatments w/ a lot of side effects, but never gave up hope! God has blessed her and she is cancer free! Prayer is powerful and thru His grace and mercy my mom is still with us! God Bless and be strong for your friend! Praying!!! Capt Buddy B.

Funeral was today…he fought it in a big way.


Hope in his fight he found peace.

So hard, but they say to cry when a baby is born and rejoice when a person dies… I believe this world is just a testing ground and if we pass the test and truly believe Jesus died for our sins and ask for forgiveness in a sincere fashion our slate will be wiped clean, and we will be rewarded an eternity of the best hunting, fishin, book reading, or what ever makes a soul happy.

So to all you out there that love the pleasures of the flesh, who am I to judge. No one at all. That is left to our creator. God bless us all.

So sorry for your loss. Prayers said and sent…

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

My mom battled lung cancer and has been cancer free for three years. She went thru 33 chemo treatments and 15 radiation treatments in a 6 month stretch. She is 67yrs old and currently doing well! Praise God! Prayer is powerful! I will be praying for your friend! I have four sisters and the biggest challenge was keeping our mom positive on a daily basis! God bless!:smiley:

Capt Buddy Bizzell
Edisto Palmetto Charters
Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!

I’m sorry Glenn. Pancreatic cancer is a very bad thing.

My wife’s friend and co-worker that I mentioned above returned to work last week, after a year of treatments at Johns Hopkins. They say she is cancer free and 1 out of 1000 who survive it.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I’m sorry for your loss. I was diagnosed in 2013 with colon cancer. Have had surgery and chemo. In my case it appears to have been successful in spite of my terrible fear of needles. All scans have been clean and my chemo port was removed yesterday. I was fortunate in many ways. The folks at my job were very supportive both about my job and offering any help I needed around the house. Several friends pitched in with chores I was unable to do. I actually had more volunteers than chores. As soon as the doctor’s allowed another friend had me out fishing, that’s pretty good medicine in my book. No one ever gave up on me and I didn’t give up either. There were prayers and good wishes from lots of friends and some folks I’ve never even met. I don’t know why the chemo works for some and not for others. And yes, the chemo made me the sickest I’ve ever been in my life. You can’t believe how sick unless you’ve been through it. However, my advice to anyone facing cancer, is to give yourself a chance. Have the treatments, stay as positive as possible and be grateful for all of the prayers sent on your behalf.

Very sorry for your loss DoubleN.

2013 Tidewater 180CC
115 Yamaha