Prayers needed

Thanks mhebbard, I’m doing ok right now. Our daughter came over from MUSC and took me down to the cafeteria and bought me some lunch. The wife is at Roper. Finally got her bp to hold it’s own but still on ventilator and dialysis. Trying to get the kidney to get in the game. It doesn’t want to play nice lol.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Originally posted by carolinacoot

Thanks mhebbard, I’m doing ok right now. Our daughter came over from MUSC and took me down to the cafeteria and bought me some lunch. The wife is at Roper. Finally got her bp to hold it’s own but still on ventilator and dialysis. Trying to get the kidney to get in the game. It doesn’t want to play nice lol.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

OK - I am across the street most of the day for work, and 10 minutes away at home if you need something or somewhere to stay. Don’t hesitate to call!

Thank you sir, that means a lot to me. It is greatly appreciated.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Backed off on ventilator this morning and she’s breathing on her own with very little assistance. Gonna ease off the dialysis tommorow and see if the kidneys will try to function. Right now they don’t want to join the team.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Well that’s good news,hopefully things are going in the right direction. God knows what he’s doing.

Double D.

Cranked ventilator back up to keep from stressing her too much. Goal is to remove dialysis machine tomorrow and see what happens with the kidneys. Then start weening off the ventilator. Thanks for all the prayers and support.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Kidneys can be stubborn. Last thing to come back on my mom. Pray and believe she is in good hands.

Every night. Hang on and be strong.

Prayers for healing.

Off everything except the ventilator. Gonna try to weening her off that while they wait to see if kidneys come back.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

GOD work wonders, prayer sure works! Good to hear, keep up informed!

Moved from CVICU to sicu. Still on ventilator because she starts to breathe rapidly when they try backing off. Still not waking up. Been off the dialysis and sedation since 8 am yesterday. Did a head scan this afternoon. Waiting on the results. I don’t mind saying this scares me. Thanks for all your prayers.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

If she’s in 6th floor SICU she’s in good hands. Those are the folks that saved my son. Hang in there and please make sure you are getting some rest.

If it is the same SICU ask if Jamie or Debbie are around. Tell them Hunter Eisele’s dad say hi and that you and you wife need some TLC.

Pioneer 197SF

7th floor and will check into that. I come home at night to get some sleep and back to it in the morning. Son is home on his 6 week break from work and he comes to spell me or to just be there with me. Daughter comes by when she gets off at MUSC.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

My wife was starting to show signs of coming around and then had a set back. They did an x-ray last night to make sure the ventilator tube was still in place and saw something odd. Turns out the something odd was a perferation of the colon. Ended up removing her whole colon today.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

I hate when I hear about good people going through tough times like this hang in there and we’ll keep praying for you and your family.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Prayers said and sent billy

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Bump a prayer

Oh Coot, I’m so sorry to hear the bad news. I will keep you guys in my prayers


Oyster Baron

NMFS = No More Fishing Season

“Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him”

To those who haven’t heard my wife has gone to be with her parents. Her body finally gave in to the bacteria and she quietly slipped away. Sorry for the delay but have been trying to process the whole thing. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson