Public Fields

Gonna go to some WMA’s to hunt doves this year. I’ve heard "just pick your spot, have a sense of humor, and plenty of water. I can count on one hand how ,many dove shoots I’ve been on so I’m a newb. What so I need to look for in picking a spot to set up on the fields?

14’ Skiff-“Redfish Reaper”

Yakman im hunting a public field Wednesday. …being the only wednesday field this year im sure there are gonna be 150 plus people in the field. Ill let u know how it goes!

211 key west 175 suzuki

plan on a crowd!!! surprisingly decent number of birds at the fields i have been to, but the hunters almost out number them. Most of all, be patient, and understand before you go that there will be a lot of people.

Hunting a public field - go early to get name on list - hunt on edge or within 40yds of edge of the field. After opening day move more toward middle of field. Not as many make it to the mid field on the opener.

J Ford