Pulpwood Price

Any timber people out there that can speak to values after a storm like this? Seems there should be a market for poles/beam wood.

Lots of the down tree have deep splits - SCE&G chipped the wood up from Hugo and burned it with the coal

Prices still the same to landowner, some loggers able to shovel are getting a little more to log. I sure wouldn’t let anyone on my property unless it was a low ground pressure operation. You’d rut the heck out of it with the saturation of water right now. It is drying quick though.

The blown over trees are actually more of a hassle to a logger as equipment is designed to cut standing trees. Not many people left willing to go in the woods and stump trees.

Edit: If you have some high property, good truck access, and a good bit of wood, I would imagine you could bargain for a little higher price right now. :question:

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

The firewood market ought to be good for buyers, I have seen tons of nice oaks, maples, etc. being cut up post storm around here.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I’ve got 2 ~70" Oaks, one red oak, one white oak that I wish someone could come pick up. You could get some huge, long timbers out of them. It looks as if I’m just going to cut them up for firewood.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

some people have the little saw mill that
they will bring to your property an
cut what size boards you want.

There use to be a guy around Williamson
might check on that an get a lot of oak board.