Question for you coyote guys,need some advise

Got a big male yote that has come up to my back yard fence 2 days in a row,broad daylight,and stood there even with the dogs raising hell.I know i dont want him around the house but have never specifically hunted for them. I have a deer stand behind the house that I havent hunted this year and was wondering do they visit corn piles in daylight hours,I’ve seen many foxes do this.
Both mornings I’ve seen him but can’t get the gun out quick enough to get a shot,any tips on hunting this critter down? I want him gone.

We have a couple of them on the property I hunt. I usually see them right before sunset cruising through the woods but never close enough for a shot.

I’ve thought about taking one of my chickens in a cage and setting her out in a field as bait, but my wife said that is absolutely not allowed.

If someone has a “lure” that works, I’d also like to hear what you have to say about it.

Semper Fi
18’ Sterling
115 Yamaha
Big Ugly Homemade Blue Push Pole

Grew up hunting them in Northern Missouri for the better part of my life. We used electronic decoys that moved and predator calls. Rabbit calls seemed to work the best. We planted them on fence lines and yotes would come running with little regard to their own safety. Most run around $50-$100 and will also bring in bobcats.

I’ve heard the calls work best,might pick one up and use it near the cornpile.As brazen as this boy was i’m afraid he might have lost a lot of his fear of humans.I live in a sparse rural neighborhood and there are small children in the area.I would hate to see something happen to a kid.

just mice, is name of a lure I use when setting steel leg holds,use a bulb auger on a cordless drill to make a narrow hole.Place the lure/scent in the hole,that should buy some time with him,enough to crack a shot.Dont have to have a kill shot,a gut shot is good too,he will eventually lay down to die.

Other scents will work,try a trappers supply shop,many online.

Great idea Bolbie,I used to do some trapping in my younger days but didn’t think about using a lure.

I use a a piece of old t shirt that I color with spray paint with brown and tan. I tie fishing string on it and run out at least 30 yards. I put it hanging from a tree branch just off the ground. Twitch it periodically and use a rabbit distress call. I killed 4 in about 3 hours in Bonneau like this. 3 differrent spots on the same farm. Try and limit your movement. Get set up and ready to shoot.

G. perry pickering

Thanks for the tips everyone,gonna see what i can do.

How big are your dogs? A coyote will kill and eat a pretty fair size dog. That coyote might be looking for breakfast if he shows up when you let the dogs out.

if he is coming regularly, trapping it would be a very easy option. you can only trap right now legally with a depredation permit, but they are easily obtained. if you know anyone that traps, they should be able to get it in a few nights.

2350 Bluewater

when u see him troting by squeak with your lips a few times. that should get him to sniff around a little longer

Originally posted by sniper7

when u see him troting by squeak with your lips a few times. that should get him to sniff around a little longer

Then wait for a flash and shoot blindly at it.

G. perry pickering

Originally posted by resq036
Originally posted by sniper7

when u see him troting by squeak with your lips a few times. that should get him to sniff around a little longer

Then wait for a flash and shoot blindly at it.

G. perry pickering


Find some road kill or use a pig you just killed (they have at least one use) and set it out. Wait for trash dog to come in and put a bullet in the guts like Bolbie said, dead coyote.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne