Quick question on oysters MI

Having a pig pickin and oyster roast Saturday and decided to go pick my own, I’ve done this before but always outta clambank creek. Since low is at 7:30 there’s no way I’ll have time to put in at the farry and get there in time ( not running the bay or jones blind in a 15ft xpress). So I’m going for the 10 min boat ride out of MI instead, was just wondering if anyone was haveing success out there and if so could you give me a few locations that produce well.
Thanks a lot.

31’ Fountain Tornament
Twin 250 Merc.
22’ Sea Pro
140 Johnson
1448 PolaKraft
30 honda 4-Stroke
(Yes I spelled Diesel wrong cant change it oh well)

There are very few to be found that are open to public. I only wish we had oyster beds like north inlet area.

The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin. – Mark Twain