You started this thread and asked me personal questions… I answered and told you the truth, and you started with accusations and insults… You were trying to set a trap all along and it didn’t work… Sounds like you are the ass…
Yeah, a ME peace plan and Covid have a lot of similarities… You’re a joke…
You really do have it bad in your twists. Where does it say it is a “Miricale” Drug as you state? Now if you specifically stated is WAS a miracle and cheap Drug as it is, I could agree with you, especially in treating Malaria and Arthritis. How many people in third world countries have been saved by this dirt cheap drug? New reports actually state that hundreds of thousands of wuhan patients can be directly credited for recovering on the drug. You are one hard headed Dhead.
Why are you so down on a CHEAP drug that has been proven to work in helping those infected with this China released crap? And then why are you so down on anyone going to a better drug as Knowledge continues to grow on this Terrible China inflicted wound?
Is it possible for for everyone to stop the back and forth, name calling, trying to be right or correct, and all the other negative stuff? At the end of the day none of this matters. Just agree to disagree and move on.
Something practical that everyone can use - boost your immune system. The goal is to not get the virus or if you do, minimize the impact. The immune system is quite powerful and there are ways to increase it’s ability to fight. No I’m not a doctor or any other kind of medical person. Just a guy that’s had significant medical problems and have used this information to improve my quality of life. I got this info from reading tons of material and from an Integrative Medicine Specialist.
Take a daily vitamin, take a Vit C tablet, and take Vit D3. For this particular virus, part of a known treatment is high dose Vit C, so take some extra.
The biggest key is D3. MD’s used to think that a level of 20ish was the target. They now know that 60-80 is needed. D3 is a fundamental building block of the immune system. I’ve been taking 5,000 - 15,000 IUs daily since I was diagnosed with cancer 4.5 years ago. At the time my D3 was 17, it’s now in the 65 range. My cancer has not reoccurred and I rarely have any type of illness, including a cold. When I do get something the symptoms are markedly reduced.
D3 is an over the counter vitamin supplement that’s at any pharmacy in the vitamin area. They are cheap and often on sale. I use the 5,000 IU ones and take 2 a day. You can also get the liquid drops, they are more easily absorbed. It’s difficult to OD on the stuff so don’t get worried about taking too much. It takes a long time to build up in your system and then you have to maintain it. Some MDs suggest taking 20,000 daily for a couple weeks then dropping back to 10,000.
You get D3 naturally from sunlight and food. Sunscreen and less sun exposure have reduced that, and most people can’t get enough from food. It may be impossible to get enough from natural sources to get your level up in the 60-80 range. Younger folks have an easier time with this but I suspect that most here are not in the category.
First step is determining your D3 level. Get it added to your blood screeni
Probably not, I just have it bad when someone overwhelmingly twists statements and facts to push an agenda… What ever that agenda may be. Fishing, Politics, etc. I also hate when a person says they are one thing, but proves they are not. Just my nature I guess. I’ve thought it over and I think many want to be right and then assume others should do as they say when they themselves don’t. Where is the “happy” median? Written Word here on this sight I believe would have a much different content if Face to face. Is someone stating things just to get a rise? Facial expression would show this. And more than likely both parties would laugh. Maybe?
And at the end of the day, maybe this does matter more than you think? Defunding Police, riots in our streets being suppressed by our media, China shutting down Wuhan to it’s citizens but allowing international flights in and out, The “green new deal” falsely claiming Earth will end in 11 years, Our FBI using a document based on a Russian spy to bring down a sitting president, Texts being passed through our top law enforcement agencies stating they need to do what ever possible to out our President, Epstein’s “suicide” and his house raided and all files disposed of, Burisma, , Ukraine, Benghazi, Hillary’s bleached E mails, our country shut down do to plain fear mongering, the media pushing falsely that climate change is man’s fault as we come out of an Ice age, etc etc.
I want true unbiased Journalism… FOR EVERYONE, not Hollywood actors smashing People I like, have no clue about, or People I don’t like.
Hey Bluesky, Ever want a true and sincere answer from me, ask me anything. Ever w
Alfredo always gets something stuck in his craw, and just can’t leave it alone…
Heck, Alfredo argued with Fritz for like 5 years over whether stone grounds grits were better than instant… Alfredo finally saw the light when he actually tried stone ground grits… My guess is Alfredo will find/argue something minor in detail about my pointing this out, and try to refute it…
As I have stated from the very beginning, all this political stuff is nothing more than Barbershop talk and it won’t change anything… Just a bunch of older dudes bitchin and complaining about how the Country will go to crap if the “other” political party gets in power… The sky is falling, oh no, we are all gonna die, the end of 'Merica…