Red shoe POS in WMart caught

Originally posted by bcookfish

Any 17 year old that exposes himself to a 7 year old girl needs to be locked away on a distant Island for misfits. Those wanting extra food or perhaps a blanket to wrap up in at night could earn it if any citizen was willing to purchase it for a favor. Perhaps that favor would be for whoever to show some extra special attention to red shoes.


Gonna need a bigger boat, I’ll bring brats and burgers.

Usually people with charges like that, don’t make out very well in prison[:0]

He most likely won’t do any serious time at 17 years old. He’ll probably get court ordered “counseling” and probation. Most likely will be sentenced under the Youthful Offender Act and, depending upon how he is charged and how he pleads or is convicted, may or may not have to register as a sex offender.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by wearthefishes
Originally posted by bcookfish

Any 17 year old that exposes himself to a 7 year old girl needs to be locked away on a distant Island for misfits. Those wanting extra food or perhaps a blanket to wrap up in at night could earn it if any citizen was willing to purchase it for a favor. Perhaps that favor would be for whoever to show some extra special attention to red shoes.


Gonna need a bigger boat, I’ll bring brats and burgers.

Guess that was a little vague. I’d like to see an Island, maybe like alcatraz, dedicated to the worst sociopaths and psychopaths we have. Put em all on it and let them decide who lives and dies among themselves. We would have a dedicated feed drop, and the ability for any victims to give extra food for extra punishment to anyone on the island willing to “help” out. Use our existing Prisons for “low level” crimes like nonviolent drug offenders, dead beat dads and the like. Instead of spending billions a year individually studying these scums and what counselling and medication does not work, let the Psychiatric group pick a dozen a year to study… no more.

Or better yet just shoot red shoes in the face and let the buzzards eat him. He’ll never fit in and will always be a burden on our civilized society.

“live and let live” … “those that deserve it.”

All of us know that he is going to get a slap on the wrist and be on his merry way

Double D.

May only get a slap on the wrist, but the rest of his life he is labeled as a sex offender and people will know who he is


Oyster Baron

NMFS = No More Fishing Season

“Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him”

I don’t think he needs to go to jail; I think he needs to be put in a room alone with Sells for 10 minutes…no video recording allowed…

May only get a slap on the wrist, but the rest of his life he is labeled as a sex offender and people will know who he is

That depends upon what he pleads guilty to or is convicted of. I have seen cases where Indecent Exposure is pled down to Public Nudity. Indecent Exposure requires you register as sex offender, Public Nudity does not. Sells, you need to make sure you vehemently oppose a watered down plea.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

“you need to make sure you vehemently oppose a watered down plea.”

I’m sure your granddaughter will be well represented by family. Hopefully, she is not dragged into the proceedings. The judge’s name may help us on that front.

As far as a fishing trip goes - I’d keep that on the down low.

Gang initiation? Nope. Just trash that needs to be taken out.

quote 23 sailfish: “I don’t think he needs to go to jail; I think he needs to be put in a room alone with Sells for 10 minutes…no video recording allowed…”

That would leave him 9.5 minutes to think about where he is going fishing next.

Originally posted by bcookfish
Originally posted by wearthefishes
Originally posted by bcookfish

Any 17 year old that exposes himself to a 7 year old girl needs to be locked away on a distant Island for misfits. Those wanting extra food or perhaps a blanket to wrap up in at night could earn it if any citizen was willing to purchase it for a favor. Perhaps that favor would be for whoever to show some extra special attention to red shoes.


Gonna need a bigger boat, I’ll bring brats and burgers.

Guess that was a little vague. I’d like to see an Island, maybe like alcatraz, dedicated to the worst sociopaths and psychopaths we have. Put em all on it and let them decide who lives and dies among themselves. We would have a dedicated feed drop, and the ability for any victims to give extra food for extra punishment to anyone on the island willing to “help” out. Use our existing Prisons for “low level” crimes like nonviolent drug offenders, dead beat dads and the like. Instead of spending billions a year individually studying these scums and what counselling and medication does not work, let the Psychiatric group pick a dozen a year to study… no more.

Or better yet just shoot red shoes in the face and let the buzzards eat him. He’ll never fit in and will always be a burden on our civilized society.

“live and let live” … “those that deserve it.”


Originally posted by bcookfish

I’d like to see an Island, maybe like alcatraz, dedicated to the worst sociopaths and psychopaths we have. Put em all on it and let them decide who lives and dies among themselves. We would have a dedicated feed drop, and the ability for any victims to give extra food for extra punishment to anyone on the island willing to “help” out.

They have an island like that called “Australia”…

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by bcookfish

I’d like to see an Island, maybe like alcatraz, dedicated to the worst sociopaths and psychopaths we have. Put em all on it and let them decide who lives and dies among themselves. We would have a dedicated feed drop, and the ability for any victims to give extra food for extra punishment to anyone on the island willing to “help” out.

They have an island like that called “Australia”…

Australia didn’t just have the worst sociopaths, she was sent anyone someone didn’t and pretty much any criminal offense.

I want an Island for the worst of the worst on life sentences with no chance of rehabilitation. I’d rather just a life sentence be an automatic quick ride to the electric chair. Too much taxpayer money spent on criminals.

“live and let live” … “those that deserve it.”