Reno Thread

Seeing as how The Pod called me out on my reno, I reckon I better respond in kind so I don’t get banded or hatted on…

The house was built in the mid 50’s and hasn’t seen one upgrade…until recently… here is just a small sample of what all has been done. The bathroom needed the attention first so that’s where we’ll start. Did some major demo and reno… subbed out only the tile and sheetrock… the rest was all me and the better half, but mostly me LOL!

and if your toilet doesn’t light itself up for you as you approach it, well you need to step your toilet game up:sunglasses:

Fishing Nerd

“skilled labor isn’t cheap, cheap labor isn’t skilled”


George McDonald
US Navy Seabees,Retired,
MAD, Charleston Chapter

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

You got enough light in that john to attract herring! Good looking job site there!

I need one of those as many times as I get up at night .Hurry up and finish,we depend on your report. I used to do stuff like that but I’m glad those days are over.

Man, I got nothing on that toilet and my wife says I light up a commode better than anybody…

Karma is 360 degrees

“If fishing were easy it would be called your mom”

you had me at light up toilet.

thanks for the report. i’m exhausted. I hat home reno’s

Dang, dude! Did you build the shower pan from scratch, or did you use one of the pre-fab systems? Regardless, outstanding work, bubba.

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Thanks y’all!!

LOL @ jipride

The shower bed done by hand and I had help with that.

Pod, whatcha think about a waterfall faucet that lights up blue, green and red according to the water temp?? Blue=cold Green=warm Red=hot Flashing Red=
real hot…It’s in there too, would probably be useful for a kid not to get burned or some silliness but I got it because I’m easily amused, sort of like a kid lol

Fishing Nerd

“skilled labor isn’t cheap, cheap labor isn’t skilled”

sounds great. what could possibly go wrong

Lighted toilet, installed. How much am I looking at ballpark?

I have catboxes to barter. JSYK

Originally posted by PeaPod

Lighted toilet, installed. How much am I looking at ballpark?

I have catboxes to barter. JSYK

I’m ok on litter boxes at the moment, thanks!

14$ …I think it was actually less than this when I got mine.

Fishing Nerd

“skilled labor isn’t cheap, cheap labor isn’t skilled”