Replacement floor and cabinet door work

We are having to do some work in our kitchen and are looking for any referrals that you may have for a floor or cabinet person. ( we want to replace or re-finish the cabinet doors) Joe gave me a name of a cabinet person but we are looking for all options we can get before making decision so as to stay somewhere within budget. It’s a small kitchen floor wise. Thanks…

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

I’m with KB Kitchen & Bath. While we don’t like to simply replace doors, I do have an account with a custom shop in Greenville that makes custom doors for that purpose. I’d be happy to help out.

FYI: You may already know this, but about 90% of the cost of the cabinet, is in the door. I can usually re do the whole kitchen for about the same price as new doors…

Jason Jordan
(843) 276-6106


17 Malibu CC
88 'rude

Thanks…I didnt know that about doors but am shocked at the price of doors for sure!

Special thanks to joes son Tye at wholesale appliance for helping us pick a new stove top yesterday…we figure if we have to redo just as well try to do what we can now. He was so very helpful and nice!

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16