Reports?!?! I have one for 4/14

Ran early out of Remleys headed south between 226 and Edisto banks. Saw a ton of bonita breaking on the way out. Smooth seas ran at 38 on the way out and it got snotty with a south wind later in the day ran in at 28-30. Wet ride home but not bumpy.

Hit 69 degree water and decided to target wahoo and tuna around the banks. Put two plat lines with trolling weights and leader down for wahoo and put 5 baits long way back for tuna with a bird chain with cedar plug way way way back like a 75-90 yards. That was the ticket we had two nice Tuna one at 15lbs 13oz and one just pushing 12lbs. We also hooked up a mahi on the flat line with a red and Black Sea witch on wire. Mahi hit in 70.2 degree water. This tells me they are deeper and hunting bait right now.

One boat reported 2 wahoo over the radio. Had a buddy that was north of us on the ledge and nada.

Planning to get out again this week.

Tight lines…

(Getting a error with my jpegs any suggestions?)

Nice report how deep were the bonita? Thanks

You can't catch fish on a dry line

Nice report.

I still can’t post a pic straight from my phone. I email them to myself ( mine gives me size options to send) either small or medium, then when I’m near a PC I open my e-mail, minimize screen and drag pic to desktop. Then Drag back to this sight. It’s a pain but works for me.

This time of year near the southern up welling down by triple ledge can be good for early season mahi. My buddy said hes been seeing bonita in 90 to 130ft on his way south.

I have been seeing bonita anywhere from 60’ to the ledge. Few weeks ago they were in 45’.