Retired Police Dog Possibly?

Ya’ll fellas always give some good ideas so I’m here asking a question again. I own a small pawn shop, and the people I deal with aren’t always the most trustworthy people in the world. I won’t go into details, but I’d imagine ya’ll can understand.

So, I’d like to get a dog that will protect me in case, God forbid, things ever went south were someone tries to harm me. Does anyone have any experience with retired police dogs, or maybe a recommendation on where to start?

I don’t really have the time to train a dog from the puppy stage so that’s a big hurdle for me. I already carry a pistol and have cameras and have a magnetic lock on the door, but having a larger dog would make me a bit more comfortable.

Police dogs aren’t trained for “protection.”

My suggestion would be to get with someone at the Charleston Working Dog Club and see about finding a dog already trained, or working with a kennel that could train a dog for your specific needs.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Originally posted by dippin_kodiak

Ya’ll fellas always give some good ideas so I’m here asking a question again. I own a small pawn shop, and the people I deal with aren’t always the most trustworthy people in the world. I won’t go into details, but I’d imagine ya’ll can understand.

So, I’d like to get a dog that will protect me in case, God forbid, things ever went south were someone tries to harm me. Does anyone have any experience with retired police dogs, or maybe a recommendation on where to start?

I don’t really have the time to train a dog from the puppy stage so that’s a big hurdle for me. I already carry a pistol and have cameras and have a magnetic lock on the door, but having a larger dog would make me a bit more comfortable.

Bowtech Allegiance
Ruger M77 .270

Pit Bull:smiley:

Originally posted by UT_VOLS13
Originally posted by dippin_kodiak

Ya’ll fellas always give some good ideas so I’m here asking a question again. I own a small pawn shop, and the people I deal with aren’t always the most trustworthy people in the world. I won’t go into details, but I’d imagine ya’ll can understand.

So, I’d like to get a dog that will protect me in case, God forbid, things ever went south were someone tries to harm me. Does anyone have any experience with retired police dogs, or maybe a recommendation on where to start?

I don’t really have the time to train a dog from the puppy stage so that’s a big hurdle for me. I already carry a pistol and have cameras and have a magnetic lock on the door, but having a larger dog would make me a bit more comfortable.

Bowtech Allegiance
Ruger M77 .270

Pit Bull:smiley:

Not a bad thought…and plenty out there that need a forever home. I can attest to how grateful they are when rescued, especially adult dogs.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Originally posted by leadenwahboy
Originally posted by UT_VOLS13
Originally posted by dippin_kodiak

Ya’ll fellas always give some good ideas so I’m here asking a question again. I own a small pawn shop, and the people I deal with aren’t always the most trustworthy people in the world. I won’t go into details, but I’d imagine ya’ll can understand.

So, I’d like to get a dog that will protect me in case, God forbid, things ever went south were someone tries to harm me. Does anyone have any experience with retired police dogs, or maybe a recommendation on where to start?

I don’t really have the time to train a dog from the puppy stage so that’s a big hurdle for me. I already carry a pistol and have cameras and have a magnetic lock on the door, but having a larger dog would make me a bit more comfortable.

Bowtech Allegiance
Ruger M77 .270

Pit Bull:smiley:

Not a bad thought…and plenty out there that need a forever home. I can attest to how grateful they are when rescued, especially adult dogs.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

same here, theyll be a companion for life

Do any of ya’ll have any firsthand experience with pits? The good, the bad, etc?

Bowtech Allegiance
Ruger M77 .270

Originally posted by dippin_kodiak

Do any of ya’ll have any firsthand experience with pits? The good, the bad, etc?

Bowtech Allegiance
Ruger M77 .270

be CAREFUL, they will lick you to death

Originally posted by dippin_kodiak

Do any of ya’ll have any firsthand experience with pits? The good, the bad, etc?

Bowtech Allegiance
Ruger M77 .270

but in all seriousness, theyre great, smart dogs. mine was even trained to attack at the sound of a gun cocking. i could walk up behind her while she was sleeping, cock one of my pistols or shotguns, and she would jump up and hunt it down.

they are incredibly tough and loyal dogs. mine even jumped THROUGH a glass window at my old house while we were out back target practicing.

they also have the best smile of any dog out there, you can really see their emotions in their facial expressions.

Originally posted by dippin_kodiak

Do any of ya’ll have any firsthand experience with pits? The good, the bad, etc?

Bowtech Allegiance
Ruger M77 .270

I have a 10 year old female that I rescued at 10 months old emaciated and nearly dead with 72+ puncture wounds on her from nose to ribs from being a bait dog. She was scared, hurt, and just hated people. We nursed her back to health, and she’s now the best companion anyone could ever ask for. I was a lab guy growing up of course, but she has been absolutely the best dog I’ve ever owned. Loyal without question, and as soft and lovable as you could ever ask for a dog to be. She’s a sweetheart…until you mess with me or my wife/kid. She ignores “play fighting” and just wants to join in, but I’ve seen her angry side…twice.

Once, I really really raised my voice and screamed at the wife for something I can’t recall, and the dog got between us…she instantly calmed me down.

Second time, I came home through the garage, and couldn’t find her in the house. I then saw her in the backyard (doggy door access) at the back fence. I snuck out the back/side door and got in the yard before I made a sound. When I did…she came at me full boar with ears pinned back and teeth showing. I was legitimately scared…until she saw who I was and nearly knocked me over trying to lick me.

A few months ago I rescued another, Buster, a male. He’s now almost 8 months and growing like a weed. He’s fallen in line with the family very quickly, recognizes his boundaries, and found his place in our pack. He is insanely snuggly, and as TheMechanic said, will take your skin off with your tongue if you let him. He has not shown one iota of anger or anything, even with food.

Think it’s hype if you want, but when people say there’s no such thing as a

Originally posted by leadenwahboy
Originally posted by dippin_kodiak

Do any of ya’ll have any firsthand experience with pits? The good, the bad, etc?

Bowtech Allegiance
Ruger M77 .270

I have a 10 year old female that I rescued at 10 months old emaciated and nearly dead with 72+ puncture wounds on her from nose to ribs from being a bait dog. She was scared, hurt, and just hated people. We nursed her back to health, and she’s now the best companion anyone could ever ask for. I was a lab guy growing up of course, but she has been absolutely the best dog I’ve ever owned. Loyal without question, and as soft and lovable as you could ever ask for a dog to be. She’s a sweetheart…until you mess with me or my wife/kid. She ignores “play fighting” and just wants to join in, but I’ve seen her angry side…twice.

Once, I really really raised my voice and screamed at the wife for something I can’t recall, and the dog got between us…she instantly calmed me down.

Second time, I came home through the garage, and couldn’t find her in the house. I then saw her in the backyard (doggy door access) at the back fence. I snuck out the back/side door and got in the yard before I made a sound. When I did…she came at me full boar with ears pinned back and teeth showing. I was legitimately scared…until she saw who I was and nearly knocked me over trying to lick me.

A few months ago I rescued another, Buster, a male. He’s now almost 8 months and growing like a weed. He’s fallen in line with the family very quickly, recognizes his boundaries, and found his place in our pack. He is insanely snuggly, and as TheMechanic said, will take your skin off with you

I see both sides. A friend had one that was full on nasty. killed another dog my snatching over a chain link fence. This dog was big and nasty…ALL THE TIME.

On the other side, my brother rescued one less than a year ago. This dog wants to be a lap dog, lick you to death. very sweet dog, and lives just fine with 3 little poodles.

Leadenwahboy is correct about LE dogs. I have a couple of friends that are K9 officers. Almost none are ever trained to be “protection” dogs. Most now are “multi-purpose”, doing some drug duty as well as bomb. Others are trained for tracking and recovery but I am not aware of any really trained for protection. Most of the ones I know get taken in either by the K9 officer or another officer when the dog retires. Many are only trained in a foreign language for all of their work commands (Dutch, German mainly).

Get you a giant Mastiff, size alone will deter most folks.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I rescued a chow/german shepard 4 months ago. Was weere at first but he now is the greatest dog I have ever owned. He goes with me every where and loves the boat! I had a female just like him for 15 years
the look and sound like they would rip you apart but the are loveing to any one they know. Don’t tell your insurance man about a good dog!!

Originally posted by dippin_kodiak

I don’t really have the time to train a dog from the puppy stage so that’s a big hurdle for me. I already carry a pistol and have cameras and have a magnetic lock on the door, but having a larger dog would make me a bit more comfortable.

IMO, if you really want a loyal dog (no matter the breed) you really need to get one under a year old and spend lot’s of time with it. I alway hated pitts but have since learned to really like them. Very loyal and family oriented if trained right and not interbred. Australian shepherds need a lot of exercise but are silent sneaky protectors, German shepherds are great, but they are very individual as some will get aggressive towards strangers while others will lick everyone and they require lot’s of interaction… but most all dogs do.

Thinking to your post, you carry a pistol and sound like you could protect yourself if needed. Maybe a good Yorkie or some such to just keep you company and be your “alarm” to distract a perp while you prepare for self defense? Just an aggressive bark from a tiny dog could give you the advantage you want.

And remember, if you are planning on keeping the dog inside the store with you, you don’t want a super hairy shedding dog putting hair everywhere!

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”