I was reading Penny’s testimonial about Russ earlier, and was moved to tears. I then realized that today would have been my little sister’s 48th birthday. She was taken from us in a mid air collision on Hilton Head back in '78 at the tender age of 16, along with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. Kathy is in good hands now, and I will have my heart filled with prayers today honoring all of our friends and family that have passed on too soon.
I think I’ll go fishing…
My brother just found out that he has cancer and the prognosis is a huge “maybe”. He is 48. But man, that’s nothing compared to losing your sister at 16. I lost one of my best friends when he was 14 (lost control of his truck back when you could drive with a permit at 14), wasn’t doing anything illegal or speeding. Just rolled off the road and overcompensated, hit a van, and killed 4 people. Then a few years ago I lost my 20 year old fishin’ buddy because he chose to drive drunk.
It’s not always easy to keep from taking your friends and family for granted, but when we lose them, we see just how much we needed them.
Moral judgment under girds the entire structure of laws and is necessary for the rational structure of any significant statute. The idea that our laws can stand independent of moral foundation is senseless.----- Albert Mohler.
So sorry for your loss justcr…and redfish mat…I will keep your brother in my prayers. I worked oncology for many many years…and it never got easier. Cancer is devastating. S many lives lost to it every year. So many families left asking “why”. If there is anything at all I can do please let me know…and I mean this.
Russ passed one day after our friend Stan’s bday. We lost Stan a couple years ago while he was waiting for a heart transplant. It still hurts. Now the emptiness in my heart is even bigger.
Stay n touch with your friends …tell those that you care about how you feel and what the mean to you. Don’t put it off, and never take for granted that there will be a tomorow to put off what you should do today.
miss’n fish’n
Sea Squirt 16
Thank you Penfishn. We’re all bummed but hopeful. Biopsy was yesterday but they were pretty certain just from the exam that it was malignant. More definitive words and a treatment plan will come here in a few days.
Moral judgment under girds the entire structure of laws and is necessary for the rational structure of any significant statute. The idea that our laws can stand independent of moral foundation is senseless.----- Albert Mohler.