I’ve never seen such a thing. Maybe very dirty chamber or very dirty cartridge keeping it from ejecting, or the bolt locked up for some reason and didn’t eject the hull. Don’t know. Just guessing.
Tried like hell to find the pics of an old 10/22 I bought. Guy said it was broken, wouldn’t chamber a round, and I bought it dirt cheap. Come to find out, same thing happened, the rim was ripped clean off…so clean that you couldn’t look in the chamber and see anything. It wasn’t until I broke it down completely and started inspecting the barrel that I realized a perfect cylinder of brass was in there, stuck as hell…and had been for 5 years. It took a LOT of beer and a LOT of cuss words to get that thing out, but I did eventually. I cleaned the chamber and the bore really well, and have been shooting that gun ever since and never had a problem.
Ammo like that loaded at the rate they’re making that stuff nowadays, it’s a wonder it doesn’t happen more often. Regardless of what caused it, you’re safe, rifle is safe, etc… It’s not the gun for sure, and the rest of the ammo is probably fine!
OK, I am adding another pic with the extracted casing to attempt to give a clearer explanation.
When it was fired, it appears that it was fully loaded in chamber. Only the back of the brass blew out and ejected, it sheared off perfectly clean where the crimp is at base, but the remaining casing was a good 1/8" or slightly more up as if it started to go out barrel till being squeezed to death, as it is harder material than the round. Hope that makes sense??
That’s a first for me?? And no I would bet a shiny nickle that I’ve put over a 100,000 rounds through a 10/22 and been around many others with lots of rounds through them.
Maybe barrel extremely fouled and exessive back pressure? But I would imagine for that to be the case the bullet would not have left the barrel. Probably just flawed amunition.
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”
I have always favored Winchester ammo, but I have had issues with the same Winchester 22 ammo you’ve shown. Some of the rounds came out of the box all distorted to the point that I didn’t know what to do with them. Ended up throwing them in the pond.
Had some rounds from the same box sound like duds.
More thank likely fowled ammo that caused your issue. Scary, especially with your son shooting it when it happened.
My son loves his 10/22. Nothing like watching them bust off rounds. I almost enjoy watching him load his magazine as much as watching him shoot. I think he asked last time, “what, youre not gonna help?”