Rusted Lug Nuts - UPDATED

I remove my lug nuts a couple of times a year and grease them up good when I reinstall them. This greatly reduces the chance of not being able to remove them when you need to and cuts way back on the chances of corrosion. It isn’t brain science or rocket surgery.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Looks like somebody is going to need a cutting
torch and a hammer !!! :roll_eyes::dizzy_face::frowning_face:

I can’t seem to get a set of tires to last long enough to have that problem. I guess one problem is as bad as the other.

A little update from last week. Thanks to loopervet at Tall Sail Marine for the hub - what a great guy to deal with. He went way above and beyond for me.

It too me longer to raise and lower the jack than to actually swap out the hub. Thanks for everyone’s input! It look a little better now.

Tidewater 1900 Baymax
115 Yamaha