Last night at dark I shot a deer that went into the swamp and lost its blood trail. Went back this morning and found it in the water dead. Nighttime temps went down to 44 degrees. I gutted it out and hit the lungs but not any guts and didn’t smell bad. Deer was really stiff. Do you guys think it’s safe to eat? Welcome all opinions. Thanks.
I would say probably so…it’s just like it being in the fridge, and you didn’t gut shoot it…and it was in the water ? The water was pretty cold, no?
Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat
I would say yes, it’s fine. Cool enough not to spoil over night.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
To be on the safe side, feed some to the wife first and keep an eye on her:smiley: Or better yet, the Mother in Law:imp:
Easy- I like how you think!
I’ was thinking it would still be ok but wanted to here from some others.
I would be hesitant to eat one left overnight in this weather, 44 was the low temp last night and it wasn’t 44 for long. 12 hours minimum of laying in mild temps isn’t very attractive IMO.
from dark till first light? its fine to eat
No way would I eat it. I can swing by later to pick it up. My dogs will enjoy. Wink wink.
Even if you had busted a gut I’d still eat it in that time frame and temp. I would have skinned it down the center of the back, peeled back the hide and taken only the shoulders and back straps with out messing with stomach cavity and tenderloin.
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”
Your lucky a gator didn’t find it first…or you… when you found it. I wouldn’t think twice about eating that deer. What did they do before walk in coolers?
I wouldn't think twice about eating that deer. What did they do before walk in coolers?
They ate the deer
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
We grilled up one of the loins and a ham steak this weekend and it was delicious. Time to get another one.
Some of that South Cackalacky tenderizing…good for you working to find the deer.