sat 4/17

i’m clueless when its windy and high tide so…

i picked up some mud minnows and hit the upper wando

rode the tide in for a while and checked a few docks - 1 small spot

checked a few points with the poppin cork - 6 small trout

rode the tide out to get back to the ramp

saw a bald eagle - that was cool

We didn’t do any better in harbor, gonna blame it on those darn planes flying overhead. I get back to put-in and here is how my buddy is fishing:)

I believe we kept him out a little to long…odds are he slept through the hole sir show :wink:


great pic

classic old school fishin

14’McKee 75Merc 2stroke

yak nap. NICE

“The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.” </font id=“size2”>
Hobie Adventure Kayak
</font id=“size2”>
Hobie Pro Angler Kayak
</font id=“size2”>
SC Chapter- Heroes on the Water
</font id=“size2”>

yak nap. NICE
...yak nap. I like that...may be he'll change his name from 5151 to yaknap:smiley:


I like his technique :sunglasses:

Originally posted by murrayfisherman

I like his technique :sunglasses:

No you don’t… Both his hands are empty of the required Adult Beverage. :stuck_out_tongue::smiley:


Those who can’t fish, spend too much on seafood!

I think I know that guy