Sat 6/7 and Sun 6/8 forecast looks good

The forecast looks good for Sat and Sun, I am planning on going on either Sat or Sun if the forescat holds. Well be leaving from Remley’s at 5:00am heading to EB or straight out to the ledge. Looking for a buddy boat…

2486 Triton with Twin 140 Suzuki

Planning on Sunday early right now.

2005 236 Sailfish
225 Yamaha 4-stroke

23 Sailfish,

How early? 4:00am? You planning on Edisto Banks or straight out?

2004 2486 Triton with Twin 140 Suzuki

anyone need a tag along to help with fishn and washing up at the end of the day?:smiley:

2005 1760 Stealth Flats Boat w/115 4 Stroke Yamaha
Tight lines!

Originally posted by pursuitgang

23 Sailfish,

How early? 4:00am? You planning on Edisto Banks or straight out?

2004 2486 Triton with Twin 140 Suzuki

Not 100% sure yet. 4 is the latest we will leave. It’s nice to get out a little earlier and get away from all the other boats.

2005 236 Sailfish
225 Yamaha 4-stroke