Sat nite - Sunday

Leaving Mt P late Saturday for a night of bottom fishing. Early Sunday mass at Our Lady of Gulfstream Trolling. Care to join our prayer group?
Mako 261 w/ twin Black Max 200’s, EPIRB etc.

I might be, where we going and can my father in-law come too… Give me a call at 843 696-2512. My name is Carlo. Don’t worry i always say thankyou jesus, lil baby jesus, and lord for every fish i catch.

220 Proline
Never Guarantee Fish, Only Dead Bait!!!

Water Rat I sent you an email. I just need to know the specifics -where u leaving from, what time, and how much $$$$$

want to try swordfishing? oh yea! would love to go either way call me 803-348-5888

We will be targeting swordfish later this summer. Still getting things set up how I want for that. We are in a crew building / boat prep phase right now. This is our first year fishing this area.

If anyone is interested in swordfish trips later this summer let me know. Share your experience or learn with us.

Also looking for other boats interested in Chs Bump overnight trips to team up for safety.

Water Rat what is your area code?


Mako 261