Saturday 3/17

So, I’m TOTALLY green at this (and don’t want to get any greener if you know what I mean).

I have a new boat that I’m interested in taking it to the Edisto 40 for a shake down. I can’t log in to reefcast yet (waiting on activation email) and I’m seeing the following on sailflow.

a)Nearshore: 2-3ft @ 4s wind SW 13-18mph

b) Fripp Nearshore Bouy: 1-2ft @ 4s wind SW 9-14mph

The interval is low, but is this decent?

AND - When going close in like Edisto 40 and 60, what markers/buoys on sailflow are best to use?

At risk of sounding like a smarta$$, the best advice I can give you is to NEVER discuss how good the weekend weather is looking during the week. Doing so nearly guarantees the weather will turn to crap.

Regarding your question, though, those conditions are fishable. A lot depends on the size of your boat, who’s with you, and (most importantly) the experience and comfort levels of your crew and you. Perhaps push off toward your intended destination, and decide as you’re headed that way. And have a back-up (fishing) plan should you decide not to proceed to your first location. That way, you can still salvage your day. Hope this helps.

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

^^^^^^^ this is good advice. First rule of fight club…

Pioneer 197sf

4 second intervals suck!

05’ 22 McKee Craft Freedom
98’ 13 Boston Whaler Dauntless

Originally posted by Black Bart

At risk of sounding like a smarta$$, the best advice I can give you is to NEVER discuss how good the weekend weather is looking during the week. Doing so nearly guarantees the weather will turn to crap.

Regarding your question, though, those conditions are fishable. A lot depends on the size of your boat, who’s with you, and (most importantly) the experience and comfort levels of your crew and you. Perhaps push off toward your intended destination, and decide as you’re headed that way. And have a back-up (fishing) plan should you decide not to proceed to your first location. That way, you can still salvage your day. Hope this helps.

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”


What this man said. Just be prepared to scrape a day, rather than fighting rough seas…Unless you have a full hardy crew. I love to pre plan and prepare ahead of time, this mind set does not always work with Mother Nature, and some of our forecasts.

on this note, have seen a forecast that would turn the most seasoned boat captain away, when only to be flat calm. Forecasts are not 100%

I can tell you the method I used when taking my 18 sea pro to the 40 and it never steered me wrong. Using reefcast, look for 2-3 ft, 8-10 sec for a good 2 or 3 day period. Then go on the middle day.

1966 13’ Boston Whaler w/ Merc 25 4 stroke “Flatty” #predatorsstriketheeye

Originally posted by Black Bart

At risk of sounding like a smarta$$, the best advice I can give you is to NEVER discuss how good the weekend weather is looking during the week. Doing so nearly guarantees the weather will turn to crap.

Regarding your question, though, those conditions are fishable. A lot depends on the size of your boat, who’s with you, and (most importantly) the experience and comfort levels of your crew and you. "

Thanks for your input- As indicated I am terribly green at going offshore. I’m also 250 miles away. Sorry - but I can’t afford to wait until the weekend to discuss Saturday’s forecast. The boat is a Sailfish 245DC.

Originally posted by Flight risk

4 second intervals suck!

That concerned me too, but at what wave height is that negligible? 1’? 2?

Not trying to sound like an ass but, you need to find someone to go with you that can show you how to handle a boat in crap conditions. You can go in 2-3 @ 4s in your boat but, you’re going to be uncomfortable and get your teeth kicked in. Those 2-3’s will have some 3-5’s mixed in and with certain wind, you could find yourself in a pickle quickly. Wait for a day where you can make mistakes and learn from them, not get killed because of them. The fan is on high, sooner or later it’ll turn off.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

I’d go if it wasn’t going to blow so hard. I keep telling myself not to go. That 2ft prediction is always so tempting.

2018 Sea Fox 226 Commander

Originally posted by saltydog235

Not trying to sound like an ass but, you need to find someone to go with you that can show you how to handle a boat in crap conditions. You can go in 2-3 @ 4s in your boat but, you’re going to be uncomfortable and get your teeth kicked in. Those 2-3’s will have some 3-5’s mixed in and with certain wind, you could find yourself in a pickle quickly. Wait for a day where you can make mistakes and learn from them, not get killed because of them. The fan is on high, sooner or later it’ll turn off.


Mark - thanks that’s what I was looking for. I don’t need to go, but didn’t want to miss a decent opportunity (if it existed). I’ve read a lot about wave height and interval, but not so much about wind speeds. I don’t want a ride that will kick my teeth in!

What would be considered the maximum wind speed in the “ideal” AND “decent” range?

I also wasn’t sure if the 1-2’ forecast for Fripp Nearshore bouy was more representative of Edisto 40 conditions than the Sailflow “nearshore” markers that appear farther out.

Originally posted by dmann33
Originally posted by saltydog235

Not trying to sound like an ass but, you need to find someone to go with you that can show you how to handle a boat in crap conditions. You can go in 2-3 @ 4s in your boat but, you’re going to be uncomfortable and get your teeth kicked in. Those 2-3’s will have some 3-5’s mixed in and with certain wind, you could find yourself in a pickle quickly. Wait for a day where you can make mistakes and learn from them, not get killed because of them. The fan is on high, sooner or later it’ll turn off.


Mark - thanks that’s what I was looking for. I don’t need to go, but didn’t want to miss a decent opportunity (if it existed). I’ve read a lot about wave height and interval, but not so much about wind speeds. I don’t want a ride that will kick my teeth in!

What would be considered the maximum wind speed in the “ideal” AND “decent” range?

I also wasn’t sure if the 1-2’ forecast for Fripp Nearshore bouy was more representative of Edisto 40 conditions than the Sailflow “nearshore” markers that appear farther out.

Salty gave some great advice.

“I don’t need to go, but didn’t want to miss a decent opportunity (if it existed)”

Then go practice. A high pressure system is south:

The wind will be from the south(maybe):

The tide run is another factor. The wind and tide can change the ride. You gots to go find out what you thought it was going to be like versus what it turns ou

Sailflow looks like it’s going to be better Saturday. May be good enough to go to Chas 60. Anyone else seeing the same thing?

2018 Sea Fox 226 Commander

Was going to drop in at 0600 and see what it looks like. Heights be dropping gingerly over the last few day. Ave. was 1.1@4. May get 2-3 hours in and be back by or before 1100. If its ugly, Ill just hit the jetties.

Ari I’m probably doing the same. Blue Seafox 226 Commander. See you out there.

2018 Sea Fox 226 Commander

I’m in edisto and will probably either hit the wrecks or just stay inshore depending on how it looks out there.

Mako 224
High tide 1503

We are headed out to 100ft. Leaving patriots around 7:30
Hek Yeah Vhf 16/68

Leaving Remleys about 7. Vhf 16 Catching Chaos

2018 Sea Fox 226 Commander

Originally posted by mdaddy You gots to go find out what you thought it was going to be like versus what it turns out to be. The more you use the data that is available and apply it to your planning...the less you'll get your teeth kicked out.

That is if it’s worth finding out. The more time on the water, the more you learn.

You can always turn around…if the boat’s running…

Thanks. I took this advice and went out. Conditions seemed nearly ideal to us. Very smooth ride and we caught over 100 fish on the Edisto 40 including several big bulls. I know its just the Edisto 40, but we thought it was pretty exciting for our 1st time offshore in our own boat.

More Pics here:

Just go out when the weather looks good ie 2ft waves 5-15kt winds, keep your eyes out for weather coming in or winds picking up. If the wind starts blowing leave early cause the waves are going to get bigger and head back into the safety of the harbor.

Watch you tube for tips on running your boat in both a following sea and a head on sea. Speed kills in rough weather, plan for extra gas as rough seas burn more fuel.

Prepare ahead of time and you will do fine, Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Only way to get experience is to just go out and do it.