Saturday 7/11 greenwater

Well I tried for kings yesterday. Left Remleys at 7 , caught a live well full of big menhaden and headed to the c buoy. I trolled 4 lines all day with the outriggers out. No hits at all on the live bait bump trolling around the buoy. Switched to Rapala magnums and drones. No hits. The ocean was getting pretty nasty around 11 so I headed in to the buoy set just after the nearshore reef. Anchored up on the green can and put out live bait. Sharpnose after Sharpnose, non stop. They destroyed all the rigs and tangled at least 200 yards of powerpro for me. We had fun with the Barracuda on big topwater poppers but never had a king show up. Weird because I was in the right spots, had all the right bait and was seeing all kinds of fish suspended in the water column around the bait. I hope you guys are doing better with them than I did!

Capt. R. Killin
“Day Tripper”
Shamrock 20 cuddy
Ford 351W

What type of top water popper for the cudas? My girls love catching them. See them a lot but can’t get them and the AJs to eat sometimes.

Blueline, I was using a tsunami popper. The barracuda hated that thing! ! They’re fairly cheap compared to the yozuris. $7.99 for the 5" one.

Capt. R. Killin
“Day Tripper”
Shamrock 20 cuddy
Ford 351W

Does anyone on the forum eat cudas caught locally?


Nope… couldn’t actually land them anyways. We were throwing the poppers on 4000 size shimanos with 30 lb powerpro and 80 pound mono leaders. We didn’t have a chance with mono leaders… It was fun but short lived… Biggest barracuda hooked had to be 50 to 60 pounds.

Capt. R. Killin
“Day Tripper”
Shamrock 20 cuddy
Ford 351W

Originally posted by killinR

Nope… couldn’t actually land them anyways. We were throwing the poppers on 4000 size shimanos with 30 lb powerpro and 80 pound mono leaders. We didn’t have a chance with mono leaders… It was fun but short lived… Biggest barracuda hooked had to be 50 to 60 pounds.

Capt. R. Killin
“Day Tripper”
Shamrock 20 cuddy
Ford 351W

What about AJ’s? We hooked a couple last October pulling ballyhoo and a big white jig, but what I’d like to know is how to get the one’s swimming around the boat to feed? last trip I tried every spoon , jig and lure I had. No takers. Just like to have some fun with something for the girls.

Does anyone on the forum eat cudas caught locally?

I know many people who do. I don’t care much for them myself, but OK when fresh. I don’t even want the stinking things in my fish box smelling up the good fish.

Best bait for cuda is a live spanish mackerel.

AJs will seldom refuse a live blackfish, or beeliner.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I will eat a gulf caught AJ in a skinny minute. All the worms in them around here makes it to much trouble. I have seen a few cut open with few worms, but by and large the Atlantic ones are just too wormy. Meat is good though.

Blueline ive thrown just about everything i can at the AJs for fun, I have the best luck just using different color spoons

Originally posted by killinR

Blueline, I was using a tsunami popper. The barracuda hated that thing! ! They’re fairly cheap compared to the yozuris. $7.99 for the 5" one.

Capt. R. Killin
“Day Tripper”
Shamrock 20 cuddy
Ford 351W

Thanks for the info.